Mission 4...help

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Hey, I was wondering which mission is easier to take as number 4, Macomb or Praeoria? my characters pretty much suck right now and they can't take much of a beating
Macolmb then Preoria, at least that's the way I allways take them.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-01 AT 04:00AM (GMT)[p]i find preoria to be one of the more easy mission in the game, since you only need to kill radscorpions and roaches (turrets for the bonus) and you get alot of nice loot

of course, it also easy to drive around in a hummer and preform several drive-by's which is almost as amusing as watching my cat try to lick the middle of his chest, but thats just my oppinion