Mixing mods (F2WR, RP, UWM) Edited 8 times.


First time out of the vault
For personal use. I have no experience in modding, but with simple detailed directions, anything is doable. What I'd like to do, is to take part of a mod hosted on this site, uploaded in 2005. It is the ''Ultimate Warfare Mod'', and I'm interested in taking the 5.7mm ammunition from it, along with a new added pistol, the FN Five-seveN, or to replace the 14mm pistol with it. I'm using the RP 2.12, and F2WR.

My problem here is this: The mod replaces 14mm AP ammo with the 5.7mm ammo, and if possible, I would like to know if it's possible to mix it up like this:

14mm Pistol replaced with Five-seveN (uses 5.7mm, for clarification)
14mm AP replaced with said 5.7mm ammo (IDC, can only be one type)


Add new pistol, change P90's ammo from 10mm to X.
Create new ammo type X.
Keep 14mm untouched.

NOTE: I'm not asking this to be done for me, but instructions and ideas on how to do it.
I would drool until I drown if Magnus would consider adding this even as an optional install...

EDIT: The creator of UWM, user Moonbear, has apparently vanished. I tried searching for users.
Weapon and ammo art has been done. They are FRM's.

EDIT2: FIME seems to be the tool/editor to make it happen, amirite?

EDIT3: Seems that I need to learn how to add new items, and have the game recognize the .pro files, associate them with the corresponding .frm files, and add them to all kinds of .msg files.
How can I open and modify .msg files. If .lst files have to be modified also, how do I do that?

EDIT6: Finally, after 20 minutes of fiddling, I managed to replace the original frm art files for the 14mmAP and P90 with Moonbear's art. Probably going to change 14mm pistol with the Five-seveN, and modify 14mmAP to 5.7mm with the stats I want, but quite possibly, WR mod has them at perfect values already. This means I have to ''re-chamber'' the gun to use the ''new'' 5.7mm ammo (14mm).

Therefore, I need to decide what do do with the almigthy Bozar. Have it use the same 5.7mm pistol round and still do nearly 100 damage each shot? How would I convert it to use another ammo type that makes sense? The current .223 is way too small to warrant such high damage numbers IMO.

All my problems would be solved if I could figure out how to create something entirely new ammo type, and associate it with guns fitting to it. Of course I could have it use the current 9mm ball ammo, and name it to something else, and create my own FRM for it . I'm thinking of .50 BMG, but then the 9mm mausers would be somewhat odd. Why, you ask. Because F2WR swaps the locations and usage between the Mauser and the .223 pistol, so this way the .223 pistol's description is accurate. Sure as hell there aren't any type of a pistol using the BMG ammo... Is the only choice to modify the damn mauser to a rifle using the same ammunition?

Maybe not .50 BMG, but something like .308 or the new chey-tac .40x round? ANY suggestions and ideas are welcome.


14mm pistol --> FN Five-seveN
H&K P90c --> FN P90, chambered for 5.7mm (''old'' 14mmAP)
9mm Mauser --> <insert>
14mm AP --> 5.7mm
9mmBall --> <Insert>


EDIT7: Scrapping other edits with this one. Created the new pistol, new ammo type and caliber, so the others can be left alone.
Now I need to figure out how to make the new ammo and weapon available. I just playtested it, and merchants don't automatically stock them. I need to find out how to make it happen.
Do I need to modify the merchants' scripts, or the map files and random encounter weapon selection?

Hindsight: Of course they wont. Otherwise it would be possible to buy a vindicator from Klamath...

EDIT8: I've come to a dead end. I tried looking for information, tools, help and personal vices, but I cannot figure out how to add a new gun and two ammo types (one caliber) to shopkeepers. No point in looting ammo from encounters as the only option, as it would be a moot point when shopkeepers still stock the P90, and one could just unload the mag and buy the ammo.

The real life Five-seven has a 20 round magazine, and restricted to 10 for civilian markets, so I chose the 10 round mag, as 20 rounds would be an overkill, just like the DEagle upgraded.
The pistol does consistent damage, with or without armor on the target, as it was designed as so. 4 AP to fire an unaimed shot.

P90's damage is more random, and a bit less than the pistol, and has AP usage of 5 and 6 for balance reasons. It has a 51 round mag (keep reading) and bursts 17 rounds, draining the mag in three bursts. I am going to change it back to 50 rd capacity, so the last burst is 16 rounds, for the sake of not having a F'd up mag size. This is a kick to my nuts as a perfectionist, as neither solution is pleasing me fully.

JHP ammo is somewhat in between regular F2WR JHP and FMJ ammunition with a mod of 4/3, as in 133%. DR mod is also in between JHP and FMJ

AP ammunition is what you'd expect: Armor piercing. large (negative) AC and DR modifiers, close to F2WR 14mm AP ammo, with a damage mod of 3/4, 75%.

These are all prone to change for balance issues I will find out by testing them in game.

NOTE: I would be grateful if someone would help me with this, and possibly we could create it as a standalone mod with high modularity. Every minute into my modding career, I'm falling in love a bit more. I am still going to limit my time to a maximum of 4-5 hours a day, don't worry :D
look for f2wedit in the files section and download it, should be self explanatory from there once you fiddle around with it
Kino said:
look for f2wedit in the files section and download it, should be self explanatory from there once you fiddle around with it

Thanks! I will. Hoping to be able to do what needs to be done. If not, I'll just come back and cry for more help, right? 8-)

EDIT: Seems to be THE tool I was looking for. Big thanks.
EDIT2: If I ever create this as a distributable mod, you will be the first on the ''special thanks'' list. I promise <3
Haha no problem dude, I have also been working on a minor weapons mod using the same program :mrgreen: