Mod Idea (any Dark Tower fans out there?) [Slowly going fwd]


Still Mildly Glowing
Um... hi?

So I've seen Forgotten Knight singlehandedly released a FO mod... And I said to myself "Hey! I could do a mod too. (Yeah, right.)" I think the Dark Tower series by Stephen King fits the fallout graphical assets very good, so that's where I am aiming.

Of course, you won't be playing the protagonist of the books and his "ka-tet", nor follow his linear adventure. Rather you will be thrown into the same setting, map, main quest and antagonists. You will find locations and characters from the books along with original ones. You will be free to choose to help people, leave them to their problems or utterly end their dreams (and lives, why not?) and perhaps, join the bad guys.

Things I can do:

*I can model 3D. (not a pro, but can model things and texture them.)
*Maps. I've been meddling with FO2MAPPER .
*Writing dialogs. I like writing, so it follows I intend to spend lotsa time writing .msg files, with many options, female/male distinction, intelligence, perception, etc options, and whatnot..

Things I suck at:
*2d art.

Things I've never even tried (And should probably fall into the "things I suck at category".)

*Any kind of programming, coding, etc. (Don't even know if that's needed,)

I'm a realistic guy, so I'm looking at this as a mere hobby, and know it will take years to get to something that barely resembles a game (if it doesn't just end up being abandoned after some months). Of course if I get help by some enthusiastic people things will get done faster, ideas will get exchanged and etc.

Anyway, if there's anyone there who wants to help, please let me know! In fact, any kind of comments and advice are welcome, you know "Dude... you are crazy. Get the &%@* out of this forum." or "Hey Dude, good luck with that.", well anything will be appreciated.

See ya around, people.

UPDATE October 16th, 2009

Okay. Its been a while, and to be honest I haven't actually produced new content for this "project" for a few months now.

But I do have:

*one map (which needs only a few details to be worked out):

* One third of the only other big map needed. This one will feature the round table! (Something like this:)


* I have actually managed to make a critter speak a half-finished dialog.... it may not look like much but it was very satisfying, hah! And I it may mean I just may actually get to script this simple level. Check it out!

What I'm doing is basically the equivalent to the 'Temple of Trials'. As your vision becomes clear, you find yourself in what seems to be an ancient and long-forgotten castle. You don't know how you got there, you don't know where you are, all you know for certain is that you had been dreaming with the place and been finally drawn there. So you enter, explore, notice some things, fight some rats, solve a puzzle (stupid puzzle, no need to strain your brains in a tutorial/introduction) and finally grab a crucial object(s). That last action triggers this dude in a black robe to appear, you speak to him for a little while and then BAM! you wake up in the coast. To your dismay there's some lobstrocities (which will suspiciously look like radscorpions) tryin' to eat you. You fight/run to the exit grid... midworld is yours to take on.

That's it. That's what I will try to make (all the way up to that exit grid) in order to create something that is playable, will test if I can pull a total conversion off, and may interest people to join up.

Within the next week I will post some dialogs I will hopefully have finished and the other floor of this "castle". That would leave a small map of a generic coast, and tons of scripting to finish the deal.

One last thing: If you wanna help (Oh, pretty please!) message me. I will send you a small questionnaire to see what your interests are, what you can do and what you are willing to learn. I don't want you to be a pro in anything, I want you to be willing to learn, willing to dedicate several hours into this and willing to share ideas.
Dude... you are crazy. You're welcome on this forum.

Although finding a scripter is the hardest part, it's the main reason the tc mods out there are struggling. You may look into it, maybe you can learn it.
Hey, man, Thanks for commenting.

This is what I'll do: I'll try make the first map of my "vision" playable, its sort of like the temple of trials so its just a map with 2 or 3 levels, where you kill some rats (I'll just use FO2 scripts there), solve some puzzles (I'll have to script something there) and finally have a heart to heart with an NPC (again plenty of scripting there.). Luckily there's plenty of tutorials in the Internet... we'll see what comes out of this.

If I manage to get that done before 2009 is gone, I think I'll be able to (kinda) pull this off.
Love the dark tower series so that's a plus!

But afraid I don't qualify for any of the things you mention, good luck with it though!! :)
I only like the first of the serie which really is a piece of art.
The rest is only the average King's writing, with the same usual pattern like in every of his other books. I couldn't get past the third tome. Well, my opinion thought.

I'd love to have another glimpse in Rolland's world thougth, Tul, Calahan...
So good luck, it might be good to have another game design around here!
You need to face the Trial of Scripting alone thought... :D
Loved the DT series. Wizard and glass was my personal favorite.

I cant halp at all, but you can have a heapin helping of my good will :D
Congratulations! I think this is the first such project announcement that has actually amounted to anything.
Good luck, TychoXI !!!

Doing a mod on your own is no piece of cake, so congratulations and welcome to the club! :)

Scripting isn't all that difficult when you seize the basics - I've been doing my mod for less than a year and I have already 3 towns fully scripted, dialogued, mapped, etc. Now I'm polishing the details before releasing a demo to the public.

Again, all the best on your modding path.
Congats !

You have done the worst part! Just the longest one to do now!

If I can make a suggestion, you should use these walls for Gilgalad (or whatever the castle was named).

Continum released a more modern version of this one, but you probably need the one looking like a castle... Or maybe you can change it yourself...

Now i want to see the table ingame!

As for your map, I like how you use outdoor element (the roof, the outdoor walls) whithin a building...It's new, and look quite good...