Mod Idea - Expanded Awareness

Don Grube

First time out of the vault
I have noticed a vast inconsistency in the game, when you analyze a creature (without awareness), it returns to you a text result (Unhurt, severely wounded, etc.), but if you were to hit that creature, you are told exactly how much numerical damage you have inflicted to said creature. I am of the opinion that assigning certain damage values to text messages would enhance the game.

I'm thinking
0 damage - Creature is hit for no damage.
1-10 damage - Creature is hit for Minimal Damage
11-30 damage - Creature is hit for Moderate Damage
31-55 - Creature is hit for Severe Damage
55+ - Creature is hit for Extreme? damage

if the player were to take awareness, damage values would be represented in their numerical values as normal.

Any thoughts? I am a total novice scripter, so I don't even have the slightest idea how to implement this, but I am willing to learn and do if the demand is enough, so any suggestions, or can this even be done?
That's such a simple idea, and the best ones generally are. I can't see anyone downloading this mod on it's own, but I can see mod authors forcing it on the players :twisted: Demand +1
I can't think of a way to realize such a thing.
It could be made but hook script is needed.
Nirran could know best how to realize such script.
this one would requier timeslip,and a work-over of the text returns the game uses
