Now before you read my idea, let it be known these are just ideas from an old fallout gamer who doesnt know anything about scripting, but has played the game to death and wishes that his ideas may spark the mind of some ingeious fallout modder on this forum...
Iv played this series to death almost, and I must say its the atomsphere of fallout 1 that has always kept me comming back for more. But the games just too dam easy now
Creating armor/weapons
For those of us who saw the fo3 screen, one in particular.
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Shows the ability to create armor. I always thoguht this woulda been so cool. In fallout 1, we could strip leather armor off the dead khan raiders early in the game, which at the time made looting awsome, but made the game too easy as a good armor was so easily obtained in mass quantities for wear and profit.. I always thoguht it woulda been nice to be able to obatain say broken fragments of armor from your foes, but be able to create it after enough has been salvaged. In the new vision mod, team x made an item (i wont name exactly what to not spoil it for ppl trying it out) that allowed users to create other new items should their prerequesites are in the users inventory and they pass the check for certain skills. This made certain skills pratical as they are required to make things.
Items/weapons/armor that deteriate over time..
Im sure this has been brought up before, but ill be damed if im gonna read up which forum/thread has posted this.. The only thing in fallout iv seen that remotely can deteriate or run out is in fallout 1, the steath boy.. i actually never ran out of it, but i recall it had an nrg bar taht went down over use.. was curious if that kinda script can be implemented in fallout 2 for certain weapons.. again think of the possibilities. weapons that can run out over time, so ppl dont just hoard the best weapons, and become unbeatable with the gauss/various nrgs. I mean think bout it, realisticaly all weapons require maintence and cant last forever..
Also, in the manual it states that guns can jam but it happens rarely.. i think guns shold jam alot more in the game, and then can be repaired if the repair skill is high enough..
This was always something that bothered me while playing fallout, but at the time i didnt bother as i was just getting into the game.. How come we dont need to eat or drink at all.. I think the game would be MUCH more realistic if it factors in food/water, one of the key things ppl would seek in post Apocalyptic enviroment.. I mean in fallout 1 we are given a flask which is just a doodad to be traded or (i cant even remmeber if i use the falsk in fallout 1). How to even begin on doing this? Well you know how if you overdose on a drug you become addicted or are required to take the drug again to maintain the addiction so u dont suffer say withdraw effects such as -stats? Isnt it possible to start the game with the main character say in "addiction mode" which is basically natural hunger that builds up if say the user doesnt eat food over a period of a day. And negative effects can be like decrease in hp over a period of time (just like how poision damges someone). I mean there are plenty in fo and fo2 that sells food (ie moms in the den, random stores sell fruit) hell im sure new items can be drawn in and just copy the function of say a stimpack..
I suppose however the major con to this would be having to stop during world travels in fear that the hp dmg actually kills your character.. but cmon... no food/water in post nuclear world?
Well thats all i wanted to say, i hope i dont severly piss off any of you hard working modders with this, like (omfg u noob these ideas are impossible). Again these are just ideas i hope to share, maybe one of you will realise hey its not that all impossible and ran out of ideas for mods. Hell if i was a true fallout fan, id bust out one of these faqs and start learning the Abcs of modding fallout...
Iv played this series to death almost, and I must say its the atomsphere of fallout 1 that has always kept me comming back for more. But the games just too dam easy now
Creating armor/weapons
For those of us who saw the fo3 screen, one in particular.
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Shows the ability to create armor. I always thoguht this woulda been so cool. In fallout 1, we could strip leather armor off the dead khan raiders early in the game, which at the time made looting awsome, but made the game too easy as a good armor was so easily obtained in mass quantities for wear and profit.. I always thoguht it woulda been nice to be able to obatain say broken fragments of armor from your foes, but be able to create it after enough has been salvaged. In the new vision mod, team x made an item (i wont name exactly what to not spoil it for ppl trying it out) that allowed users to create other new items should their prerequesites are in the users inventory and they pass the check for certain skills. This made certain skills pratical as they are required to make things.
Items/weapons/armor that deteriate over time..
Im sure this has been brought up before, but ill be damed if im gonna read up which forum/thread has posted this.. The only thing in fallout iv seen that remotely can deteriate or run out is in fallout 1, the steath boy.. i actually never ran out of it, but i recall it had an nrg bar taht went down over use.. was curious if that kinda script can be implemented in fallout 2 for certain weapons.. again think of the possibilities. weapons that can run out over time, so ppl dont just hoard the best weapons, and become unbeatable with the gauss/various nrgs. I mean think bout it, realisticaly all weapons require maintence and cant last forever..
Also, in the manual it states that guns can jam but it happens rarely.. i think guns shold jam alot more in the game, and then can be repaired if the repair skill is high enough..
This was always something that bothered me while playing fallout, but at the time i didnt bother as i was just getting into the game.. How come we dont need to eat or drink at all.. I think the game would be MUCH more realistic if it factors in food/water, one of the key things ppl would seek in post Apocalyptic enviroment.. I mean in fallout 1 we are given a flask which is just a doodad to be traded or (i cant even remmeber if i use the falsk in fallout 1). How to even begin on doing this? Well you know how if you overdose on a drug you become addicted or are required to take the drug again to maintain the addiction so u dont suffer say withdraw effects such as -stats? Isnt it possible to start the game with the main character say in "addiction mode" which is basically natural hunger that builds up if say the user doesnt eat food over a period of a day. And negative effects can be like decrease in hp over a period of time (just like how poision damges someone). I mean there are plenty in fo and fo2 that sells food (ie moms in the den, random stores sell fruit) hell im sure new items can be drawn in and just copy the function of say a stimpack..
I suppose however the major con to this would be having to stop during world travels in fear that the hp dmg actually kills your character.. but cmon... no food/water in post nuclear world?
Well thats all i wanted to say, i hope i dont severly piss off any of you hard working modders with this, like (omfg u noob these ideas are impossible). Again these are just ideas i hope to share, maybe one of you will realise hey its not that all impossible and ran out of ideas for mods. Hell if i was a true fallout fan, id bust out one of these faqs and start learning the Abcs of modding fallout...