Modding Guides?


First time out of the vault
Hi all,

Just thought I'd ask if there are any modding guides out there that I could use for the conversation scripting?

I unpacked the master.dat and patch000.dat and i'm just trying to get my head around it all.

The dialog lines have a code to start like '201' then the words. Does this number link to another file somewhere to they know when to say this?

Also how does the file know when the NPC says the dialog or the player character?


{100}{}{You see Standing Fist.}
{101}{}{Standing Fist is the chief warrior of your tribe.}
{102}{}{So there you are, the Chosen One. Hmmmph! How goes your quest?}
{103}{}{Pretty well.}
{104}{}{Not so good.}

this alone seems to deal with a 'look', 'examine' and parts of both NPC and player character dialog. Any help would be greatly thanxed :)

(btw Im new to this modding but I am a fast learning since I've worked on other games. Any other guides would be great also.)
the numbers are refferenced by the critters script ( named the same as the .msg file, but with .int extension.. )

everything is scripted..

get the editor and look at the .ssl file named the same as the .msg file to see the scource code for the script..
ok :)

I found the .msg files easy enough. I used a decompiler on .int files to get at .ipp files. What work needs to be done on .ipp files? Is this where the editing to the scripts happens?

I am using Dscript (written with Java) to browse the files but cant seem to find the .ssl files in either master.dat or patch000.dat

Any help? Thanx! :)
.int are the compiled the master.dat, under scripts..

the .ssl files are the original scource files that are supplied with the official editor,

there is no need to de-compile the scripts, the scource is provided for you.. and the compiler too..
Right got ya... thanx again.
One more question if you have time.

I saw this

function talk_p_proc;

in the .ipp file. How can this link back to

{103}{}{Brahmin aren't much for conversations.}
{104}{}{Don't you have anything better to do than sit around
talking to a two-headed cow?}

from the .msg file when there isn't anything written in the .ipp area of the file for talk.

Or does this just mean I don't use .ipp files? lol

EDIT: Sorry about the edit of the previous post... wasn't expect you to get back to me so quickly :). Also I notice that the .ssl files are the same as .ipp files but with in-comment coding. Very useful.
if ipp works for you, fine, but i would stick to using the official compiler and the scripots that came with it...

the 103 and 104 lines were funny things that were supposed to be said if you tried to talk to the brahmin.. but were either never implemented, or removed for some reason..

100 is what comes up if you just pass your cursor over the brahmin.
105 is what comes up if you examine the brahmin ( binocular icon.. )
101 is what comes up if you use science skill on the brahmin and have a high enough science skill
102 is what comes up if you use science but don't have a high enough skill..
Right that's what I thought might have happened because the talking lines werent added.

Thank you! I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it :)