Modding in Cars and Motorcycles to Fallout 3


First time out of the vault
Not sure if it can be done with the "geck" that Beth is promising but some friends and I are brainstorming if this can be done.

It was fun to drive the car in HLF2 and after watching Road Warrior we want to redo the car chase scene.

So far here is the quest we have semi-hatched:

An NPC will be placed into DC that makes mention of something the PC will want. The catch is its outside the main map "Virgina or such" and a group of Raiders have gotten some vehicles working again. They are defending that area and if the PC wants to get the item they will have to get a vehicle of their own working again. Once the PC does then the war is on.

Not sure if the "geck" is going to alow this level of tinkering not to mention we wish to stay true to fallout canon which means no gasoline engines.

A group of highwayman auto dueling on a large flat open map (or even some buildings though :crazy:
worst case senario is that you make an "armor" model that is a motorcycle, use an enchant/spell to increase the players speed while this is worn, and then you got a fake motorbike
MJALowe said:
worst case senario is that you make an "armor" model that is a motorcycle, use an enchant/spell to increase the players speed while this is worn, and then you got a fake motorbike

Actually that may be the only way to do it. Atleast an equip-script could make sure and play the right sound effects & disable jumping!
imho working cars should be rarer then the best armor/weapon combo in the game.

maybe have the guy actually build the car eg find all the pieces then you need to put it into a chassis.
Which is why my emphasis on motor bikes. There's lots around, and they're almost all in better condition than the cars are... and they require less parts to get working & maintain.
Plus the terrain is a lot more motorbike-friendly than it is for cars. All those narrow passages and steep paths between cliffs. Not to mention it's slightly easier to try and shoot a gun atop a motorbike than firing one from inside a car, or at the very least, you can pull over on a bike and let loose.
I think there was a similar mod for Oblivion - a very heavy piece of armor that, when equipped, made you move much faster.
Skynet 2.0 said:
I think there was a similar mod for Oblivion - a very heavy piece of armor that, when equipped, made you move much faster.

I'm not sure about that, but I can tell you that provided the for walking can be replaced and the biped armor objects -replace- the base (fleshy) biped objects, then rigging up a motorbike "item" would be entirely doable.

I remember something similar was done for morrowind, except it was some sort of flying glider thing.
The Wandering Milkman said:
Plus the terrain is a lot more motorbike-friendly than it is for cars. All those narrow passages and steep paths between cliffs. Not to mention it's slightly easier to try and shoot a gun atop a motorbike than firing one from inside a car, or at the very least, you can pull over on a bike and let loose.

then maybe make quad :D
The Wandering Milkman said:
Plus the terrain is a lot more motorbike-friendly than it is for cars. All those narrow passages and steep paths between cliffs. Not to mention it's slightly easier to try and shoot a gun atop a motorbike than firing one from inside a car, or at the very least, you can pull over on a bike and let loose.

This man got a point its all the way motorbike not cars...

Any way if someone pulls this off his awesome :)