Modding NPC's - usable weapons

The available animation sets of the critter graphic. If a critter graphic doesn't have the big gun animation set, the figure can't use big guns, etc.

To "fix" this, you would need to create new animations for the graphic sets, which is much work and in various cases impossible to do.
Lexx said:
To "fix" this, you would need to create new animations for the graphic sets, which is much work and in various cases impossible to do.

Not entirely true. If you're really desperate about having NPCs use other weapons than their animations allow them to, you can always copy and rename the existing animations. For example, you can rename the rifle animation set as the big gun animation set. This way NPCs will be able to use big guns even though they will look as if they were wielding rifles.
Well, yes. It would be a kind of ugly workaround.

I personally wouldn't do it and instead give out better versions of the weapon types they can use. :> Compared to Fallout 1, you have a pretty big arsenal for the followers in Fallout 2.
Okey, but for example, Sulik can use some small arms but not the rest, even if they would potentially have the same animation. For example, as Sulik has pistol animation, there should be no problem for him to fire a Gauss Pistol (which he can't do right now AFAIK) or something like that.
Sulik doesn't have a pistol animation, as far as I know. The .223 pistol uses the SMG animation though, if that's what you're thinking of.
Recon Rover Rick said:
Sulik doesn't have a pistol animation, as far as I know. The .223 pistol uses the SMG animation though, if that's what you're thinking of.
It’s the same for the 14mm pistol.

One way around it would be to use the F2wedit tool and change the animation type for pistols to the SMG animation…it could affect other critters that only use the smaller pistols though, and potentially cause a crash somewhere in the game.
There was a mod that when one of your NPC wear an armor, he/she looks like you when wearing that armor. This should provide you all the animations. But I don't know if simply installing the mod fixed the problem.