Modding of Unarmed Attacks.


First time out of the vault

I have spent quite some time with creating a Fallout 2 mod for 'personal' use, and I have run in to some difficulties. I have searched the web, and the NMA site for it, but to no avail.

SO, without further ado, here comes my question for you:

Is it possible to mod the action point cost of the unarmed attacks, and if so, how?

I sure hope someone of you talented people have a nice 'yes-answer' for me.... :)
I am also interested in finding out if it would be possible to create more types of punches and kicks (in addition to the other ones, such as 'haymaker', and so on), and if so, how?


/:/ B. Miller
I'm sure the AP cost of all actions is in the editor... can't remember the name but the most popular item/weapon editor.
I am also interested in finding out if it would be possible to create more types of punches and kicks (in addition to the other ones, such as 'haymaker', and so on), and if so, how?


/:/ B. Miller

You mean something like this perhaps?
You 'v got to mess with the frm. Download frm animator, then extract the frm from the critter.dat, then you can double the kick, mix some animation, (punch+kick)
Mine is a bad example. I can't help to think that Wildqwerty already done such thing, but can't find anything like that in my pc...
Grayswandir i also tried some like this BUT it looks horrible because the enimy still hit by one hit!

How you made the black suit? frame by frame or with pallete coloring? are all the frames done yet, cause this one i like much better as your others

sry for OT! :oops:
First, thanks alot for the replies, everyone.

Second, while I figured that the action point cost of unarmed attacks(such as hip kick, haymaker, and hammer punch) would be hardcoded, Dagorkan kindly mentions that the "AP cost of all actions" could be possibly be changed by using one of the most popular editors....

Could that be the F2weditv.1.30 editor you mean? If so, most of my changes are done specificaly with that one, and there are no trace of them (however, the claw attacks of certain creatures are still in).

And while I highly suspect that Mr. Wolna is correct in that it is hardcoded, I'm still wondering if someone else can confirm wether it is or not!

...And as a last note; Grayswandir, no, that is not what I was looking for (I was more into finding out if one could change the damage, AP-cost, and other statistics of the various unarmed attacks), but I thank you all the same though, and I find the notion interesting.

Thanks alot!

/:/ Miller
AP cost of unarmed attacks is hardcoded in exe file!
This is not possible to edit it by any known editor.