Modify Perk "Weapon Fast Reload"


First time out of the vault
Hi, veteran wastelander here;
Just done a play through with Killaps most excellent F2RP mod and F2WR 2.1, I've done a bit of modding for Civ4 and know my way around most environments.

I want to look at the way the "Weapon Fast Reload" perk works, as I'm putting a custom weapon mod together (inspired by F2WR).

I found this...

I believe I've figured out where Perks and Traits are stored (though I haven't tested these in-game, so it might all be an elaborate mistake):

Traits: 0x10c184 (Just the location- I haven't looked at them any yet)
Perks: 0x1083cc (15A3A0 in mapper2.exe I believe)

Perks seem to have the following format (Up to Mutate! at least, after that it changes, and then seems to fall apart).
Each perk appears to have the following format:

But can't find to where the OP was referring.

Any pointers ?

Thanks for the reply -

I had been using a similar document to find the offsets for the actual weapon modification - but I wanted to give the .44 magnum a reload cost of 6AP and reduce this to 4AP with the fast loader, which I think the game achieves through a scripted perk assigned to the weapon (please correct me if I'm wrong).

So I found
but am having trouble finding the repeating structure that OP describes within the exe.

Has anyone here modded perks before? I presume they have, but sadly it's not as easy as editing the .pro's

Cheers, Kal
Yeah, Hex and ASM editing is a bitch :(

I have yet to learn ASM, but I know Timeslip is good with it, you might ask her where to start