It Wandered In From the Wastes

I did a search of the Fallout 3 modding board and couldn't find a place where this was specifically addressed, if it has been already brought up and I missed it I apologize and you can stick this in the Vats ASAP.
Anyway, this morning I was playing FO 3 and had a thought regarding the fast travel. I'm sure all of us who have played FO 1 and 2 are frustrated at how FO3s fast travel is like a safe express lane trip from point A to point B.
Another related thought was regarding how the magic compass always knows which way you're supposed to go, even through underground tunnels and so on.
Since the game already has a script in place for figuring out your travel path (the magic compass) how difficult would it be for a modder to project your progress along that path and dump you out of the fast travel for random encounters?
This would do wonders for restoring the old school fallout feel and wouldn't be (I think) extremely difficult to script.
Anyway, this morning I was playing FO 3 and had a thought regarding the fast travel. I'm sure all of us who have played FO 1 and 2 are frustrated at how FO3s fast travel is like a safe express lane trip from point A to point B.
Another related thought was regarding how the magic compass always knows which way you're supposed to go, even through underground tunnels and so on.
Since the game already has a script in place for figuring out your travel path (the magic compass) how difficult would it be for a modder to project your progress along that path and dump you out of the fast travel for random encounters?
This would do wonders for restoring the old school fallout feel and wouldn't be (I think) extremely difficult to script.