Oops, so much for my powers of reading comprehension...
Ardent is right, and I failed to notice this question regards Fallout Tactics (*.ent). Aside from being posted in the wrong forum, the answer(s) then include:
a) Make a new "nonlootable" armor and have each general deathclaw entity (in the Deathclaw folder under entities) equip the item; when a map loads for the first time in the game, entities should be automatically updated in most cases unless they were actually further modified in the map itself.
b) Just change the dt/dr values for each of the half dozen or so (maybe a couple more) generic deathclaw ents in the deathclaw entity folder.
In other words, there is no text file etc to modify these values for a "race" in one fell swoop.
Looks like this topic should definitely be moved unless the OP intended to mean .pro file rather than .ent file.