Modoc - theyve killed the ghost farm by themselves!


First time out of the vault
so i started the ghost farm quest thing, and got halfway though it, and then couldnt find the lost boy so carried on to another city. finally... after many months i came back and everyone in the ghost farm had been killed, and everyone in Modoc was saying that they "killed everybody - even the children" i know this isnt meant to happen, and that i cant turn back thr clock, but are there any other consequences of this happening, or have i messed this up big time?

Also the "chicken"/deathclaw in the locked room - ive killed it, but cant find any "quest" relating to it - is there one? or is it just to be killed for laughs?

I think it is supposed to happen. You have a limited amount of time to gather information about the dude that ran away before they attack the Ghost Farm.
And as far as I know, the only consequences are that you'll get a bad ending for Modoc... a really bad ending... probably the worst ending possible... :P

And uhm, about the Deathchicken, if you kill it, I believe you can't enjoy the omelets that the lady in the Bed & Breakfast makes.
You're going to have to install the children patch if you have a non-US version before you can find Johnny.


If you fail to complete the quest, his father will not harden leather suits for you and you will probably miss out on some other rewards as well.
RadRaptor said:
You're going to have to install the children patch if you have a non-US version before you can find Johnny.
Who's Johnny? IIRC, to do the Ghost Farm quest you had to find the drunkard in Den, who is by no means a child...
Shadowbird said:
RadRaptor said:
You're going to have to install the children patch if you have a non-US version before you can find Johnny.
Who's Johnny? IIRC, to do the Ghost Farm quest you had to find the drunkard in Den, who is by no means a child...

Johnny is the son of Balthas. See Per's guide for more info.

And yes, Karl is the drunkard in the Den who is the key to finishing the Ghost Farm quest.

garr, beaten to the answer... 8)
RadRaptor said:
You're going to have to install the children patch if you have a non-US version before you can find Johnny.

But what does that have to do with his question?
Johnny is, as I recall, a kid. Kids can't be seen in the non-US version therefore you can't complete the quest unless you install the children patch.

Correct me if I am wrong; perhaps they've replaced Johnny with a model that can be seen and I simply forgot. I used the children patch right from the start.
Yes well, but the quest involving the kid is a whole different quest than the one ending up in Modoc killing the Ghost Farm people eventually if you screw up...