Mods galore


Lived Through the Heat Death
We received word from Slasher that there`s a new place for Fallout modders called Fallout`s Mod Center.
Here`s a quote from him:
<blockquote>This is a database website where Fallout's fans can download Mods created with the Fallout 2 Map Editor released by Black Isle.
So if you have made a Mod, just send me an email and I will add the link to the Downloads page. You can also using the mail system of this site. Just type my pseudo "Slasher" into the destination line.
There is also a forum where you can talk with other Mods creators to exchange ideas about new mod or ask technical questions about the editor. </blockquote>
Good luck to those mods Slasher
On related news the Sweout Mod Squad has some new screenshots of their work, thanks Tzorcelan for the heads up.