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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-00 AT 12:49PM (GMT)[p]Egh, might as well be serious while I'm here. as you know, I've pretty much been inactive for about a month, and because of that, my absolutey amazing own joo all story has suffered, and I realize that I will never complete it in the form I had planned, which included a sequel and everything.

As much as I'd like to be active, Quake Teamfortress has pretty much consumed me, including spending a lot of time on the TF irc network, chatting with other players, and I also have been cheating around on the nma boards with the mega tf boards *it doesnt mean anything to me, honest! It's just a cheap fling!*

(note For those of you who play games like UT, Q3 and HL online, you should come check out Quake TF, while it is an older game, and doesn't look very pretty, you will find it to be a much more enjoyable game, we are suffering from a huge loss of players to newer games, and we need new people to help inject some life into the game. Contact me if you're interested in checking the game out.)

So, well, barring any odd changes in situation, my next part of my story will be the end, which sux, cus I didnt plan on ending it so early. I will still stop in everynow and then to check up on everything. Pappy Dom won't leave you for good! :P

Give me two weeks, and I'll have Last of his kind, chapter 8, the final, done fot you, and it will be good, becuase I never leave a story without a good ending.

Ps: I notice a lot of new people here, and while I dont really have the time to go over every piece of work you all have done, because it is a lot, I am glad to see new faces to help keep this thing going. I haven't touched Fallout 2 in a while, so my interest is falling, but I still like the board, and I will stick around for a while longer :P

And also, Slinky owns you all, you know it's true :P
Now... if I could just find a way to get her boyfriend out of the way........
ICQ: 91964701
FTP:// nomutants:bobkicksass
Satan Doesn't exist. How do I know?
He told me.
A worm welcome back to you, dom. Hope to see you more often here, even if it isn`t like the good old days, er, a month before ;-)

"shichisho hokoku"
Good-Bye to a man I never knew

Sorry you have to go. I really didn't get a chance to get to know you. From what I've read in your stories they are excellent and I know you'll end it well. Who knows, if pro athletes can come out of retirement then maybe...

Wait a minute! Slinky owns us and... she's not single!
::Runs off into a corner sobbing::


-True Raven
(my other project)