More IPLY drama


Carbon Dated and Proud
Interplay is rumoured to release their Q1 "earnings" report today, we've also gotten confirmation that IPLY actually have charged their employees for full benefits even tho there is no insurance and haven't been for at least 30 days.

Also frymuchan (IPLY investor) got a call from Chris from IPLYs legal department, here's what frymuchan posted on the Raging Bull forums:<blockquote>I talked to Chris in the legal department at Interplay (I was surprised that he called me back all the way in Wisconsin). he said that right now Interplay was working on completing their Q1 earnings report. I was encouraged by this and by the fact that he made a long distance phone call to me. I'm hoping for a merger/buyout, doesn't seem like Interplay has any other options. </blockquote>So basicly IPLY has been doing nothing but try to disguise their losses and not actually done some work on games... Sounds like a corporation for the future...We'll keep you updated later on today hopefully, when we know more about the Q1 earnings report.
Cheers to Pope Viper for informing me about the Raging Bull thread..