WaterChip said:
I'm American too. IRONY.
Figures, I’ll just have to let the rest of the world fix this for me!
That shows you REALLY missed the point.
Moving on. I was not implying that America are the only insane ones- indeed, everyone is- and everyone believes that they're the only rational ones.
The problem is that the "Pax Americana" freaks will have the ability to, and be ready and willing to bring down the hand of justice upon "everybody else" for their "shortsightedness" and lack of rationality. This isn't pie in the sky Area 51 horseshit, this is sitting in plain fucking sight. Try looking up any of the programs I mentioned in my earlier post, they're just the most visible parts.
Chew on this for a while.
PNAC- Rebuilding America's Defenses
Then, consider the fact that Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton are high ranking members of PNAC.
Oh, forgot earlier, they also want complete US control of the Internet. That's not bad, or anything. Won't lead to...
A: The fragmentation of the Internet into segregated national and regional networks, in an attempt to avoid US control or that of those following the USA's example. Thus, the death of the Internet as we know it.
B: See answer A.
China is full of corrupt shit heads, as is Russia and every other super power in the world.
Did I say they weren't? I only said that they aren't going to take this lying down. They'd be doing pretty much the same as America... Were they in its position.
Also when it comes to “Arms in space” you really can’t trust any-other country, but your own.
Durr. Kind of like (pick a WMD, or any exotic weapons technology)?
This is about the fact that the shitheads are going to weaponize space for the express purpose of dominating everyone else, breaking several treaties in the process, yet making the claim that "It's the best course for everyone".
The goals of the PNAC quite clearly state that anyone else attempting to put weapons into space before or after America WILL be attacked- there would be no matching America's capability, this time- like happened after WW2 when the Soviets detonated their first nuke. No new Cold War. No dissent. A Vision of Hope and Prosperity, delivered direct to the doors of the hopeless. Well, digital images of them, at least.
Or god forbid every conspiracy theorist is right and America is plotting to take over ALL OF THE WORLD! *Dramatic music*
If this was another cold war, what we all just got done reading, would not be there - It would be a classified document, rotting in a filing-cabinet.
The best place to hide what you don't want others to notice is in plain sight- it leads to the assumption that you have nothing to hide, and "It must not be dangerous, after all!". All of the initiatives I mentioned in my last post are known to the public, and few of their component programs can be considered "Black".
Ever wonder why China, Russia, and even most of Europe have been scrambling in an attempt to at least keep their military capability in sight range of America's- even if, in the case of Russia and single countries in Europe- they can't pay for it? Ever wonder why in the 90's, all of a sudden most of Europe became willing to cooperate with each other in the weapons development arena? Hell, France and Britain are working on a joint Aircraft Carrier design!
It's because ever since the Reagan era, America has been working on a series of drastic overhauls to its military capability that will literally put its abilities at LEAST a generation ahead of everyone else. Put together. Being able to fight fires to "Protect American interests abroad" is no longer good enough. The military must be able to completely smother the whole fire, and then make sure it never lights up again.
Look tare me a new one all you like, the point is from what I'v seen everyone eles sounds just like Americans - Only with other political views.
Right in a way, wrong in another. It's true that EVERYONE on the planet, with few exceptions, is one messed-up, opinionated fuck.
However, the main problem with Americans- ESPECIALLY prevalent in those born after the Vietnam War- is that their parents, and schools have failed them. American society has failed them, really. Even as the size of curriculums increase, the amount of useful knowledge being retained has been decreasing drastically. Teachers are afraid of their own students. 60% is now a passing grade in more than half the country. It doesn't really bode well for the future, y'know?
The whole "Can't identify borders" bit earlier was more of a figurative statement of how the average American, and even our President, sees the world:
Consider the implications of that.
It's not entirely their fault, as they've never been taught otherwise. There are some Americans who've emerged from the figurative 'darkness' and seen just what they've been (and in most cases, are still) missing. Not very many, though.
To borrow imagery from your earlier post: The more America and its influence grows, the less everyone actually has. Even its own citizens. You might say being dragged into the "American lifestyle" would be good for, say, the third world...
Starving to death? A Big Mac should fill you right up! HIV? Here, take some condoms. People slaughtering you because you're slightly different from them? Oh, that's terrible. Damn Niggers, Gooks and Hajis really need to learn to respect each other for their differences. <RIMSHOT>
...Really. Given a choice in the matter, would anyone really want to end up exactly like US? I mean... seriously.
Christ, I'm just rambling at this point.
by no means is the American puplic in the dark.
It's pretty hard to assess from the inside, isn't it? When all you've really ever known is the dark, it's pretty easy to be convinced the lights are actually on. Look at... Communist Russia, for example. Or US.
Our leaders just dont listen really well.
They don't LISTEN due to the fact that they believe they already know best. They have no idea what Americans really NEED, and they don't care about our wants since said wants are generally stupid and mundane.
Due to the fact that the vast majority of Americans already have or can easily access everything they need to live- and live in comfort at that- they never WANT anything they actually NEED, since all their true needs are already fulfilled in spades!
Rambling again.
There's an increasingly dangerous section of our government that believes they know what's best not just for Americans, but for the entire world.
And what's best is having America "watch over them", extending the cultural empire to blanket the planet. Not achieving military hegemony, but obtaining such undeniable might that the world fears going against "America's vision", due to of the omnipresent threat of fast, unstoppable reprisal- the knowledge that there's no way they could possibly win.
This could be considered a natural extension of the overarching doctrine since the military restructuring after the Vietnam War- Imagine being able to deploy fast-reaction forces anywhere within hours, a Carrier group response within days, and being able to employ significant ground forces anywhere on the planet within two weeks. That's what we can do now.
Now speed all those times up significantly, add in an umbrella of armed satellites, infantry equipped with rudimentary powered armor with built-in, -working- personal IFF units, GPS and kinetic energy penetrator rifles, vehicles, ships and planes cloaked against radar and visible light, AI-controlled drone swarms able to reconfigure themselves in the field to perform different non-combat tasks (surveillance, repair, you name it), a lightweight, SAW-armed robot distributed with every fireteam, so on, and so on.
Now consider that nearly -all- of that technology is either in trial phases, working model form, already active in small numbers, or all the subcomponents are complete, waiting on integration. None of it is theoretical. Except for the satellites: most systems used in them would just be scaled-up existing technology. Thrust vectoring, KE projectiles and/or Nukes, etc. Though who knows what other crap will go into them.
In the system I've outlined, the rest of the world would simply be worn down by the percieved lack of any ability to resist, and in effect...
And THAT, my friend, is the