More shady IPLY dealings


Carbon Dated and Proud
I've gotten some more reports on the ongoing drama of Interplay, evidently Herve Caen has decided/elected to change all employee salaries that he ows the employees to hourly (ie the "backpay"). The main reason for this seems to be that he then has "some" records, contrary to his statements to state officials that he has no records.

The employees have never been notified of this change, either now, or during the payperiod(s) in question. They have no means of verify these records, their accuracy, or the means upon which they accrued.

Wow, there's no end to the evilness of this snake is there..
Nah, I've reported that he changed the current salaries to hourly, but now he's changed the back pay to hourly also..which they weren't before..
You know, I'm really amazed of the things that Herve can do and get away with.. Damn, now I know where to start a shady business..
Corith said:
Vivendi did this, twice. Once with QA and once (recently) with a programmer.

They should have talked to a lawyer then, because owed pay is NOT renegotiable without court intervention and/or employee agreement once the employer is indebted into the original terms of employment. This practice might work in France, but there are a number of labor laws in the US that protect against this kind of bullshit. What is the idiot going to try next, setting their salary to minimum wage for back pay? I'd like to see him try that one.
Briosafreak said:
In France Herve would go to jail

After my dealings with the French, I don't think so. Not so long as it was American's they are refusing to pay.

I will never work for the French again.
Corith said:
I will never work for the French again.

thats a weird statement

kinda sounds like "when i was on holiday in NY they stole my wallet, im never gunna go to the US again!"
SuAside said:
Corith said:
I will never work for the French again.

thats a weird statement

kinda sounds like "when i was on holiday in NY they stole my wallet, im never gunna go to the US again!"

More like, Both times I've been to New York, I've been mugged and carjacked. I will not return to New York for a third time.

Both of the times I've worked for French companies, they have both shorted employees on payroll, made false claims about payment records, refused to pay medical (while still taking out employee dedcutions), and refused to pay overtime for hourly employees. In both cases, long term legal action was required. It seems the french do not feel they need to follow any type of standards regarding payroll.
Yep, they take advantage of the flexible work relations laws in the States many times. In France the laws are tougher, and better enforced, they can`t play around so much.
SuAside said:
thats a weird statement

kinda sounds like "when i was on holiday in NY they stole my wallet, im never gunna go to the US again!"

Not when you have a good picture of the gaming industry today. Most of the problems today are caused by shitty business practices by French businessmen who do try to get away with it. If you'll look at who has a lot of control, especially from a publisher standpoint, there's a definite French influence felt. The sad thing is that the labor laws are also overlooked in many parts of Paris, where "mime" is still a viable career choice.

Bruno Bonnell, CEO of Atari, put the French attitude in game publishing perfectly in reply to Warner Bros. being very unhappy with how one of their properties was treated. Enter the Matrix might have sucked ass as a game, but at least it made money.

Herve's cut from the same shit log.