More Stratagy...

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My thought for a new fallout game (which would be great) is that there was the possibility of using your surroundings more to win a firefight e.g. blowing up the flaming barrels?
Personally, i think the strategic value of the game is fine. Making it take more strategy to win battles really takes alot away from the diversity of characters you can make. Keep in mind that fallout should be able to be completed with any character type.
I agree with the above in but i also agree with the suggestion.
I think what Zimyanin was trying to say was that there should be more realism im not saying that fallout is unrealistic but think about it this way in fallout 2 there was the new option of shooting open doors and in fallout tactics there was the option of insted of having to get out the key to open the door you could just have it in your inventory. these like so many others were great little things and lots of little things put into one is what fallout is. i think the more stratagy idea is great to a degree because of the possibilitys not just in combat for exsample the ability to shoot open a glass window and climb in it? just a suggestion.
There's a difference between planned tactics and just detailed combat features. Good RPG's have combat features. You should be able to do stuff like rocket launch the top of a doorway and rubble falls on someone. Also adding in pushing would be good, like shoove someone in a little port o potty, toss in a grenade, and slam the door shut and lock it. While they fidget with the lock, you should be able to run around behind the potty, push it over so the door is on the ground, and run away. Incase you didn't know, when you're trapped inside a confined area and an explosive goes off, you pretty much die no matter what..

Tactics like that would be cool. Not as strategic as Fallout Tactics but realistically tactically like real life.
But how would you implement that into the turn based system (i really hope they keep it, and if they include realtime, let you choose between the two.)
While I agree that another Fallout RPG shouldn't follow the detail of Tactics, there is still should be some ability to manage your players better.

For instance if one of your characters has lockpicking skills, than you should be able to tell this character to pick a lock. If one has medical skills than they should be able to administer without direction. More importantly, if one of your characters is carrying a rocket launcher, you should be able to at least ask him to take out a mutant with a gatling lazer rather than a bunch of mutant meleers. I liked that you could have some control of NPGs in Fallout 2 by instructing them on the targets they should take (Snipe, or attack strongest enemy) but I think there could be more control.
To implement strategy, the game would have to be a streaming real-time RPG; the best example I can think of is Dungeon Siege where you can hide behind a barrel and the enemy will hack its way through it while you dish out some damage with your bow. That's all well and good but the strategic value will only influence combat in set situations. For instance, if you are traveling in the middle of the wastelands and you get ambushed by raiders, what cover would you have except for cactus or brahmin corpses? In a town where there is a "set" environment and the developers intend for that particular strategy, i.e. crouch behind barrels, that would work.

Also, I sorta liked the limited control of the Fallout 2 NPC's since I wouldn't want to be controlling every character after every turn like in the cursed Final Fantasy games (yeah, But I wished the developers would allow more commands or at least have a better NPC AI. In Arcanum, your NPC's, while you could not fully control them, they had beefed up AI and you can assign their inventory items easier.

"Credo Ut Intelligam"- I believe so that I may understand.
I'm sure if anyone is designing Fallout 3 they have played the Fallout series and their brother game, Arcanum. Hopefully those developers can see what improvements should be made from that.

"Eat lead, chop shop boy!" - Chosen One
All hail Lord Phrog, #1 fan and veteran of Fallout series.