Mr.Dynamite build viable?


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
So i was thinking about creating a build with explosives, repair and lockpicking as my main starting skills, but i'm not sure if it's a viable approach.

1) Are explosive weapons enough to get me through the game while being combat orientated and without having to save and load for an eternity?

2) How much carrying weight would i need to comfortably move around and explore?

3) Can i create ammo for the grenade launchers and the like?

4) Do i really need perception, if i can just pick up ED-E who would do the scouting for me. Does anyone know for certain that it doesn't affect accuracy?
AskWazzup said:
So i was thinking about creating a build with explosives, repair and lockpicking as my main starting skills, but i'm not sure if it's a viable approach.

1) Are explosive weapons enough to get me through the game while being combat orientated and without having to save and load for an eternity?

I would say no. First of all, there are not enough explosives to allow you to use them exclusively, second of all, there are areas where it's just not practical to rely on explosives (Vaults being a good example).

AskWazzup said:
2) How much carrying weight would i need to comfortably move around and explore?

I don't think this relates to explosives, so in general: in my first playthrough - using Guns - I had STR 4. This was *very* tight. Crafting was not feasible due to the weight of all the components. I raised it to 6 with an implant and Intesive Training (primarily for STR requirements on weapons) and this was much more comfortable.

It also heavily depends on how much you want to rely on faction outfits ("disguises"). Carrying 2-3 extra armors with you all the time will, more than anything else, limit what else you can carry.

3) Can i create ammo for the grenade launchers and the like?

I don't know. They're currently not in my recipe list at the reloading bench, but my Repair is low (it's not a key skill this playthrough) and I haven't found any recipes in the world. I would hope they are, as 40mm ammo is quite rare otherwise.

4) Do i really need perception, if i can just pick up ED-E who would do the scouting for me. Does anyone know for certain that it doesn't affect accuracy?

Ironically, for explosives it doesn't really matter whether it factors into accuracy or not, due to the area damage. I have PER 6 for perk requirements, but other than that, I get the feeling I might as well have had only 1, ED-E being a companion.