MR is done when it's done


Vault Consort
Staff member
The Mutants Rising mod for Fallout 2 is so completish that the team is already working on an expansion, but no release date is yet set. Says project lead Chris Parks:<blockquote>Mutants Rising has been alpha testing for the past month or so, and we are working to release a stable build. We would rather not release a piece of software with disappearing car trunks and random CTDs. Testing has already chewed up and spit out a couple of people.</blockquote>
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<blockquote>Our sole scriptor and leader has not been well, and has had a few other RL issues, which has unfortunately lead to some delays, as well as other issues i.e. diminished team. We where hoping for a Christmas release, but did not want to set a public release date luckily enough. Hang in there though, as we have all the groundwork for a final release now, apart from a few maps which are being worked on right now. We still do not want to set an official release date as RL is an unpredictable thing, but MR should be in your hands in the first half of 2010.</blockquote>There's some music and pictures up for grabs and also if you consider yourself a writer they can use you in sinister ways.

Link: MR progress report @ NMA
Planet Unfinished Mods doesn't do recurring jokes.

:D Ah, I see - I should read some news posts from time to time.

there has been a flurry of mods breaking down - but MR will get done. (And BGE will be out this year according to The Lizard. :wink: )
It's ok. Better then releasing a game full of bugs etc. And MR is beyond the "we'll see if it's getting released" phase I think. ;)
Can't wait for it, especially the new artworks and music.
I already fell in love in that vault chick, but I'm drunk as skunk.

They won't release it till year 3000... but still... the chick, chick... :)