May 13, 2008 #1 B Bunny It Wandered In From the Wastes was bored,really bored.. and stoned... thought id dick around in ms paint for fun, supposed to be a nuclear bomb.. felt like posting it somewhere, what better place then here? cheers
was bored,really bored.. and stoned... thought id dick around in ms paint for fun, supposed to be a nuclear bomb.. felt like posting it somewhere, what better place then here? cheers
May 13, 2008 #2 PlanHex Legislative Senator oTO Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite I can't figure out whether that cloud has some serious bowel problems or if it's just a soft serve ice cream dispenser Maybe it's something horrible in between. Must've taken forever to make though. Kudos, I guess.
I can't figure out whether that cloud has some serious bowel problems or if it's just a soft serve ice cream dispenser Maybe it's something horrible in between. Must've taken forever to make though. Kudos, I guess.
May 13, 2008 #3 Jesterka Water Chip? Been There, Done That I like it. I like the colours. Definitely has *some* style.