Welcome aboard, Muff! I actually knew a Chris Chadwick in college, but you couldn't be him since he wasn't from the UK.
For now you'd only be playing existing characters, as all of the characters are pregenerated. New characters will be introduced later in Chapter 2 and/or in Chapter 3, however, and we're open for ideas for them. One of those characters could be Chris Chadwick, but in the meantime you would start by playing three characters. Later you can pick up a new character. By the time new characters are introduced you may have lost one of your characters, but even if you haven't some players are playing four characters.
Here is the link to the character list:
The list contains all of the character sheets. It tells you which characters are already dead, which ones are played by which players, and their stats, skills, and starting equipment. Current Hit Points and Sanity are also tracked on this thread. You may choose any three characters who are not already dead or played by another player, except those that are played by the Keeper. I recommend that you choose at least one character from the T-Bone survivors and at least one from Warren AFB. A few things to keep in mind when selecting characters:
-Airman Bruce Thayer is indefinitely insane, which means he has a long-term mental illness
-Kerry Pierce is also indefinitely insane, though she is now functional
-Dr. Hausmann has a broken arm
-Lynne has a broken leg
-Kimberly, while back to full HP, has been bitten, though she appears to be immune
-Azadeh is very badly wounded (down to 3 HP)
Once you've chosen your characters, you can post your choices in the OOC thread or drop me a PM. Then I'll send you their secrets.
If you haven't read Dr. Hausmann's tale yet, you should refrain from doing so unless you're going to choose her, Stephanie, or Bo. If you've already read it, no biggie - just pretend you don't know it if you're not playing any of the characters involved.
The Call of Cthulhu Quick Start rules are available here:
http://www.chaosium.com/article.php?story_id=87 (just click on the link for either black & white or color), which should get you started. You might also want to read through this thread, as it discusses rules frequently used in this game. The Spot Rules for Combat at the top of page 2 and the Random Hit Location table on page 4 are especially useful. Welsh can also send you PDFs of some of the core game rules you'll use the most as well as the Delta Green weapons list if you request them from him by PM.
We roll dice at Invisible Castle:
http://invisiblecastle.com - it's easy to use, and you don't even have to register there. You can just click on "Roll Dice" and follow the instructions there. When entering a character's name, you should use consistent spelling so it's easier to search for past rolls.
This thread, which is updated frequently, contains the current locations, guns, ammo, armor, and checked skills for each character still in the game:
At the bottom of page 2 on the OOC thread I posted the chain of command for the military characters. Here it is again, with edits to reflect the current situation:
Mr. Handy said:
One more thing about the chain of command: military personnel will normally only go to their immediate superior and should not skip a link in the chain. An Airman wouldn't just go up to Captain Lereux and ask him something. I'll post a chart below to illustrate this, but it's text only so it may be a little harder to understand. I'll use the symbol -> to mean "is the immediate superior of".
Captain Lereux->Lt. Malone->Airman Lewis
Captain Lereux->Lt. Malone->Airman Mikhalin
Captain Lereux->Lt. Blanco->Zorie Spooner (though Zorie's not military, she is Blanco's assistant)
Captain Lereux->Javier Ramirez
Captain Lereux->Sgt. McCain->Sgt. Black->Airman Sheen
Captain Lereux->Sgt. McCain->Airman Phillips
Captain Lereux->Sgt. McCain->Airman Malanowski
Captain Lereux->Sgt. McCain->Cpl. Cole->Airman Hockey
Captain Lereux->Sgt. McCain->Cpl. Cole->Airman Duran
Captain Lereux->Sgt. McCain->Airman Thayer
Captain Lereux->Sgt. McCain->Airman Ortega
Lt. Malone has taken temporary command of Airman Malanowski to provide security and comm support to her group. Since she outranks McCain, there's not much he can do about that.
As you can see, Lt. Malone is second-in-command. Lt. Blanco would be next in line for command, and Javier Ramirez would be fourth. Sergeant McCain is the highest ranking NCO and would be fifth in line. With the death of Corporal Alanen, he now directly commands Thayer and Ortega.