Mutants Rising August press release


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The fine folks over at Mutants Rising have released their August press release.

<blockquote>Well here we are at the end of another month, and once again we are scrambling at the last minute to put together a press release.

This month has been very groundbreaking for us, while we have still been churning out the new content at a good rate despite half the guys playing Doom 3, the primary aceivement this month was the introduction of a new organisational structure (now that sounds flash!). Basicaly we are getting a lot more orgainsed and professional as to how we run and manage the mod. We even have a new tool under development to improve this further.

No word on the demo yet, as Doom has eaten into the game testing time, some of the guys haven't played any games for more than 6 months as they have been hard at work on MR, so it's a good oportunaty for some much needed R&R.

We have also come up with a quite a few new additions to FO2 that will push the engine to the limits. These features that were previously unheard of in FO2, will be a real treat for the player.

In the near future we will be asking for voice actors; more info will follow at a later date so stay tuned.

SNorth has purchased a Titanium Keyboard, while Dack is running a voice recognition unit as the writting shapes up nicely.

The movies are coming to together at an amazzing rate with the help of two new 3D guys.

New art is also progressing and will be implmented as soon as Wild_Qwerty gets something better than a 56kbps modem to upload it!

All in all, we have good momentum and the team is very excited!</blockquote>Sounds good, though what does a titanium keyboard have to do with anything?
Look pretty good, sounds like they're really getting their act together.

Kotario said:
Sounds good, though what does a titanium keyboard have to do with anything?

I think it's kind of an internal joke, in earlier press releases he usually said sometihng along the lines of "and the writer just wasted another keyboard making more dialogue", i guess he's reffereing to that.
Believe it or not but his dog actaully ate one of his keyboards (or at least chewed the edges)
My dog chewed the wire. I had to buy a new one. It is a running joke that they are playing with me. I guess I'd rather be teased about writing too much, than not enough, eh?
It's kind of like what I tell women other than my wife: "I'm too much of a good thing, baby." Of course, only my wife knows for sure, but I digress...
Ohh ohh, now youve pissed Odin off. I agree, no Spamming.

Id like to add to this pressrelese some of our new members including:

ReapeR13, To_an, Spectre, Holyrebellion, dwave1165 and Stalker.

Quite a few new memebers you say? Well its all because we want this mod out just as much as you do and with the extra manpower and skills we can :)
I want to know what these unheard-of features are. As it is it sounds too Bioware too me. :P
Ahh but you see, revealing that would ruin the suprise.
Youll just have to read rumours form the waste and get a hint here and there :).
I suspose I could tell you one of the things that we can do.

But I cant give to much away
wild please cut down the % sentence thingy

you're screwing up the layout
"Not everyone will stand around all day but might be prone to other things"?

Now what's that supposed to mean?
The "URL-encoded" (CGI GET encoded would be more technically correct) string QWERTY posted reads that if you decode it.
Could someone cut wild_qwerty long sentence, since it`s breaking the page, and send HollyRebellion posts to the Vats please? Tia.
Is it causing problems? It wraps for me, but I shall fix it anyway. The other request as is good as done. I apologize for not being here earlier, but the WorldCon is breaking up my schedule rather badly.
Sorry guys, I felt like being a little cryptic :) There's nothing like the sweet smell of ASCII in the morning, to ad the binary version was too long to post here
Kotario said:
New art is also progressing and will be implmented as soon as Wild_Qwerty gets something better than a 56kbps modem to upload it!

All good .FRM artists have 56k modems. :P