my 2 cents (well more like 10 bucks but what ever)

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1. Some thing like spells or or a item slot for stuff that does spell like things.
2. More Big Guns.
3. Make the Skills more useful.
4. Lager Towns (Thay have to rebiled(SP?) some time!)
5. Better Quests (Or just less "Go there, take this, go back"

Take Out:
1. NPCs (I never use them, And I think it takes fun out of the game)
2. Any Time lemits (I hate them, I did hit the 13 Years in Fallout 2 one time)
Well most of the ideas are alright, but heres my thoughts.

I wouldn't like spells, cause it really doesnt fit the sci fi atmosphere.
I dont think we need more big guns, just i wish some of the less useful ones (flamethrower) were more useful.
Making the skills that arent useful more useful is a great idea, for example, have more gambling situations (i mean quests, not more casinos), barter needs a greater impact (maybe have less items dropped all over the place), first aid needs to just be removed, cause its pretty much useless.

The towns could be larger, but they need to be filled with alot of stuff to make them come alive. Think about in FO2, San Fran was a pretty big city overall, but because there wasnt many lockers with stuff, cool little events and quests not related to progressing the game, it seemed like a smaller city.
Cities like Broken Hills kinda sucked, due to the lack of stuff to get, people to talk to, quests to do etc.

Better quests sounds good, but don't omit simple quests.

You gotta keep NPC's man, cause some characters need them to get through the game (diplomats come to mind)

Time limit didn't matter in FO2, and in FO1 it fit the storyline. If it fits the storyline, put one in, otherwise they shouldnt have one.
I was not really saying spells, But some thing like a skill slot for Missles or some thing, Like stuff you don't need as a main item, But need to get to fast.

I still hate NPCs...
You mean somthing along the lines of a quick inventory for say, stimpacks or somthing?
Agree with that! Like arcanum, quick inventory slot. It comes handy there. But i don't agree about spell and NPC!! We must make NPC more useful than in FO and FO2
Quick slots? Whatever for? Isn't "use inventoy item on..." enough?
A few more big guns won't hurt! But also more NPC's that can use'em! Just Marcus used to do that!
Any limits left (time or XP) should be gone, but not NPC's!
>1. Some thing like spells or
>or a item slot for
>stuff that does spell like

You mean like a grenade, or stimpack, or bandage? Stuff like that? I agree, like in Arcanum, how you had 10 hotkey slots for items, spells, or skills.

>2. More Big Guns.

Ammo was too hard to get. If you wanted to use a flamethrower or rocket launcher you needed to carry around like 100 pounds of ammo and it was expensive stuff too. And they were only good for certain situtations.

>3. Make the Skills more useful.

Small Guns + Big Guns + Enery Weapons = Guns
Unarmed + Melee + Throwing = Kung Fu
First Aid + Doctor = Doctor
Sneak + Lockpicks + Steal + Traps = Thief
Barter + Speech = Social
Repair + Science = Tech

And you should get 1 tag skill at the beginning of game. Ourdoorsman and Gambling are untaggable, but progress just as fast a tag skill because of their simplicity.

In addition to this combination of skill, they should be made more useful. Have boomerangs like from Road Warrior. Have a stretchy weapon with a weighted spiked ball at the end like in Spider-Man how he could grab something with his web and sorta spin it around and wack guys, like when he hurled the lunch tray at that guy.

>4. Lager Towns (Thay have to
>rebiled(SP?) some time!)


>5. Better Quests (Or just less
>"Go there, take this, go

More quests that involve investigations and stuff. Simple quests are good, but elaborate quests are more fun, like when you have to figure out who killed Richard Wright. That was really fun and challenging the first time, but quests need to be faced with decisions on how to approach them. You should be able to choose like have Renesco pay you $500 to lie to the Wrights. Using social skills you can pull it off and get more money from Renesco. With enough kung fu, you should be able to intimidate JaggedJimmy instead of having him attack you if you piss him off. Stuff like that ya know. Kung Fu and Strength actaully should determine intimiation effectiveness.

>Take Out:
>1. NPCs (I never use them,
>And I think it takes
>fun out of the game)

Make them not die so easily. That's important. Also have fewer NPC's and maybe have like you can pick 1 NPC that's your "best friend" and you can customize him alot and control him optionally and he's your only NPC. Whenever you have an NPC with you, all other NPC's that you leveled up and improved slowly have their skills deteriorate, so you couldn't just like use Myron just for Sierra Army Depot or certain quests. Also, the higher your social skills, the better your best friend performs in combat, so diplomats would have more power than having 5 crappy NPC's all confusing in battle like in Fallout 2.

>2. Any Time lemits (I hate
>them, I did hit the
>13 Years in Fallout 2
>one time)

How about optional? Options are always good. Some people say it makes the game too easy, well guess what: Increase the difficulty!

Oh well just my $10.01
