My character

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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-02 AT 09:36PM (GMT)[p]This Is Dissinger... Say hello Dissinger!
[Dissinger] Hello Dissinger...
Such a cute little Character...

Name: Dissinger
Race: Human
Sex: M
Faction: Enclave (but doesnt know it)
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Weight: 180 Lbs.
Age: 19
Wearing: Leather Armor
Carrying: Desert Viper (Enclave version of desert eagle, standard issue does slightly more damage than its predessesor), Mother's Drivers License (from Hydropolis), Father's Tool Kit.

Bio: Dissinger doesnt know alot of things, and he'll be the first to admit it. All he knows is what his parents told him before they died. At the age of Fourteen his parents were killed by men wearing Power Armor. They had hidden him from the men before they had crashed into the building they had used as a home for so long. The only thing he remembers hearing was the word "Enclave", though he had never heard it before. After the men had left he crawled from his hiding spot to see the two piles of ashes that had been his parents. Realizing he was all alone he grabbed what little hadn't been destroyed in the skirmish. The result was his mother pistol, which she had taught him little about how to use, his fathers tool kit, and his mothers license though he never knew what from. These are the only reminders of the charmed life he had, he wanders the desert looking for the man that killed his parents, but never knowing it was Special Agent Frank Horrigan.
I take it this is the character sheet thread right?

ok here goes, now you don't need to use specific field in the sheets, just come up with something that basically covers your cha.

Now I've never played this dude in a Fallout RPG before, those of you who remember me will also remember the overly large, overly armed Brotherhood soldier by the same name. I thought i'd give that a miss this time though. Truth is,I've been putting more thought to the story itself than my cha's background.

But anyway, I'll write it up some time soon, all I want cha sheets for is so I can print them out and make sure that in my posts all that characters are using their right weapons and armor and such.

It worked last time we tried it.

Name: Fang (Real name unknown)
Age: About 21
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Hair Length: Shoulder Length, often longer.
Gender: Male

Career: Wanderer/Adventurer
Attire: Leather Trench Coat, sometimes leather armor.
Weapons: Two SMGs, a sniper rifle and a sword, (though he may have more I'll add that later)

Items: A few books, a fair load of cash, some stimpacks, an MP3 player, a power armor shoulder pad, several packs of condoms and a power fist (though he has no way of powering it).

That should be enough for now, you should know how to play my cha, he is private, prefers to keep out of descision making and sticks to the furthest corners of rooms.

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It's only cheating if you get caught
Acctually, I don't think this was the characther sheet page, Fang.

But hell, it might as well be used for it.

Eyecolour: Not a really distinct colour, more of a mix between gray, green and blue.
Age: 21
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Length: Short.
Height: Around 180cms

Remington is pretty much like he used to be, a thief and a con man. He is not a person that will try to avoid all fights that could cost him is life, and fleeing from fellow travellers in need is not an unknown occurance to him. He can be extremely lucky, and visa versa. He carries a .223 gun and Leather Armour Mark II, but don't be suprised to see him use different kind of equipment seeing as how he is not afraid to steal or loot.
Morals is unknown to him. He is not a particulary large man, but nor is he small. He is somewhere in the middle.
He is also quite a cheerful person that enjoys pulling of practical jokes and other stuff like it. His gun aim isn't bad, but it isn't fantastic either. That mixed with his swinging luck can turn both in the favour of him and the group, and against them.

He carries some money (alot at this time in the story as he just looted alot of corpses, a bunch of stimpacks, a stack of cards that he spent years collecting all of, and a broken radio that he has set out to fix as a hobby. He also carries various magazines and books.
Well I'm back!

okay so nobody remembers me because i have tendency of killing posts and ending story lines (i don't mean to it just happens)

So here he is the amazing... the great.. the unstoppable!

Suave assassin

Name: Vern Serancor
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Faction: "Fuck em all"
Eyes: Dark Brown almost black
Hair: Black, goatee
Weight: 150
Height: 6'1"
Age: 21
Clothing: reinforced black work overalls(equivelant to combat leather jacket), black trenchcoat, combat boots, combat harness
Equipment: Dart Pistol w/ coagulator darts, Desert eagle and ammo, PSG1 sniper rifle and ammo, combat knife, food deck of card box of condoms and a lucky lighter.
Vechile: SUV

BIO: Vern was raised on the streets of New Reno. He had to find a living and killing people has always been a hobby of his so putting work with pleasure vern has added himself to the ever growing list of assassins for hire in the wasteland yet his sniping and close combat skills rise high above the rest. When his black SUV arrives in town things tend to quiet down real fast. Also a certain air seems to follow him everywhere that for some unexplained reason makes women attracted to him. Perhaps hes tall dark and handsome but by the time hes done hes gone before you know it dissapearing into the night in a whisp of sand.
OK well here's my charater

Name Tyrant94
Race Human
sex: Male
Faction: A wanderer of the wastes
color: white
weight 224
age 18

Clothing: metal armor MK II holding a pancor jackhammer wiht lots of sitmpacks

BIO: Tyrant94 came from a simple little tribe one of the smartest and strongest person of the tribe but the bad thing is that his luck is horrible so he can not really get a great shot or hit on sombody
Everyone else is doing it, so why can't I? Of course,I already introduced him...

Name: Metro(?)
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Faction: ?
Skin: Tanned, but not deeply, with fewer scars than most.
Weight: 150 or so
Age: Unknown - somewhere between mid-teens and early twenties.
Clothing/Equipment: Brown, dusty trenchcoat w/ body armor underneath (pre-war Kevlar picked up off a dead policeman... more about that later.) Spiked knuckles, as much for effect as any real _use_. An H&K mp5, and a pump-action shotgun, are beneath the trenchcoat - along with a variety of home-made explosives (for structure-hits, not combat.) A few stimpacks as well.

Metro's first memory is waking up in a D.C. subway station - planted or otherwise, that's his first memory. This is where the name came from. After that, a road trip to California. He strongly suspects these memories are planted: after passing through as many high-rad areas as that trip would've, he should be dead or mutated, or _something_. Anyhow, one way or another, he appeared in the California area. With some wonderful combat skills... which would be nice, were it not for the bount on his head (which he does not know the reason for.)
In league with the community-

Name- Grim
Race- Human
Sex- Male
Faction- Apathetic and antisocial
Skin- tanned and scarred
Weight- about 180
Height about 6ft 1.
Age- mid 30s.
Clothing- long overcoat, jeans and shirt, mix of leather and metal armor, home made. Normal weapons include revolvers, hunting rifles, knives and a hatchet (both for hand to hand and for throwing) and a pair of grenades. Will use virtually any small arms in a pinch, but prefers shotguns to submachine guns, usually pump.

Grim used to be a badge- the law in a local town until he discovered that doing justice wasn't necessary the politically correct thing to do. Info about his personal life is otherwise unknown. A fair share of strong and loyal friends and powerful enemies in his past are his primary bonds to society at large. Grim is a hunter and a loner, preferring to hunt people. Normally a loner, he's not averse to joining the right cause. Despite his individually he believes in the notion of justice and fairness, the protection of the weak from the strong, and that if a dark hand is to administer justice, it might as well be his.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-02 AT 00:35AM (GMT)[p]Name: Big Bad Boss MKII
Aligment: Pure Evil
Eyes: Red as...öhh...a...cherry
Age: unknown
Skin: Gray & green (that means the last humanoid bodyparts that are left)
Hair Colour: N/A
Hair Length: N/A
Height: Around 300cms
Weight: 1 ton
Hobbies: Kill radiated scum
Goal: Kill chosen
Here's my character, who just happens to be a major character in a FO fanfiction I will be able to post in a month:

Name: Caleb Rutgers
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Faction: Strongly anti-political sentiments
Skin: remarkably smooth and pale
Weight: 140 pounds
Height: 6'3
Age: 50
Clothing: Basic cowboy's attire: black jeans, collar shirt, leather vest, widebrimmed hat. Never wears armor because it slows him down. Normally wears a bandanna tied over his mouth to cover his identity and block the sun. ALWAYS wears his customized gunslinger's leather belt. Is known to use shotguns, knives, old fashioned rifles, and bolt-action rifles. Will ALWAYS wear his two Colt Peacemaker revolvers in his holsters.

Caleb Rutgers. He is an elderly man of fifty years and should have been well passed his wandering years. But for all his age, he holds himself up with a demeanor of a much younger man. He stands at a humble six feet in height but the worn, heels of his cowboy boots and spurs accentuate his height another three inches. He is dressed in a historical western hostler's clothes: black jeans, a faded workshirt, tanned leather vest, and completed with a widebrimmed cowboy hat. He wears a bandanna over his mouth in a robber’s fashion to block the sun. His huge leather belt, with a bright silver buckle in the shape of a star, is lined with slots to hold his bullets and each side ends in a custom-tailored holster. Occupying each leather carrier is a massive revolver with a long barrel: a Colt Peacemaker. The two monstrosites weigh down each side of the belt, sagging them down low to his thighs in a gunslinger's fashion. There are at least sixty cartridges lining his belt, heavily oiled to keep them clean. Most of the bullets are capped and crafted by his own hands. Stuck into the side of his left boot is a Bowie knife with a razor sharp edge and hand guard. Slung over his shoulder, suspended by a leather strap, is an old model Winchester rifle chambered with the same .45 calibered bullets of his pistols.

Caleb is lucky for a man his age. His face is completely devoid of wrinkles and has the perpetual softness of a baby's skin. His hair is completely white but still possesses a glossy shine. He allows it to grow out long so it fringes the side of his head and covers the nape of his neck. Caleb has the icy, pale blue eyes of a bombardier and anyone catching his gaze will feel like their entire soul is being penetrated. His clever hands have been saved by the pains of arthritis but occaisonally shakes horribly when the weather is cold.

Though he dresses as a man of a different era, Caleb is altogether familiar with the pains of the modern world. His grandfather served as an army Ranger before being sent home when he was critically wounded in the skirmishes against the Chinese army on the Alaskian warfront. For his bravery and ninety confirmed kills in the war, his grandfather and his family is given a place in one of the few built vaults around the world. When the nukes have fallen and the world has fallen alongside it, Caleb and his family are still well and alive. For his entire childhood, he is taught in survival under the tutelage of his grandfather and is raised on the fantastic tales of old Western shooters. This has visibly impacted him, evident by his appearance. When the vaults opened after a preliminary time in darkness, Caleb is sent out as one of the scouts. He wanders about, enchanted by the rough frontier similar to the Wild West, and never returns back to the vault. Ever since, he has been traveling about with the tales of the Lone Ranger kept close to his heart.

In relation to our time, Caleb has the cold eyes of a young Clint Eastwood, the easy western drawl of John Wayne, the regal long hair of Richard Harris, and the lightly wrinkled face of Sir Alec Guinesses. Historically, he has the honor bound ethics of Wyatt Earp, the frontiersman attitude of Wild Bill Hickock, and the sophisticated upbringing of Doc Holliday.

"Credo Ut Intelligam"- I believe so that I may understand.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-02 AT 01:57PM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-02 AT 01:10 PM (GMT)

Reading through this thread...i am now realising that there arnt many female characteres, i could be wrong, there may be some that have not been mentioned, this thread is not very long so there could very well be lots of famale charters, so i appollogise in advance if i am wrong. ok..i think that i will shut up now and describe my charactere.

This is Rogue

Name: Rogue
Real Name: Laura (Likes to keep her real name private)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Occupation: Wanders the Wastes in search of her home and family.
Family: Dead...she thinks.

Physical appearance
Eyes: Deep green eyes
Hair: Long black hair
Height: 1m76
Weight: She doesnt know
Complection: Dark like complection
Rogue is not a well built person but she has great strength for somone of her size. She is agile and quiet on her feet at all times.

After many a year wandering the wastes, Rogue has become a very solitary women. Previous experiances in her earlier life have taught her to put her trust in no one but her self. She doesnt rely on anyone but her self in life and has no real friends. Despte this Rogue is still willing to cooparate with other people if she can get somthing from the deal.

Weopons: She carry's little weopons with her, only the necessary to survive in the wastes. She carry's always a hunting rifle(for she can be a great shot when the need arises), her .223 which is her most belovid weopon and the only link to her father that she has left and a combat knife.

Items: Once again only the necessary equipment to survive. Some medical equipment; stimpacks, first aid kit, some rad away and the odd body enhancement drugs that she has scavenged on her many journeys. Some money, that she has made in the only 2 ways in which she knows how! A bottle of unknown alcoholic substance, that she is not quits shure what to do with...but thaught she would keep it anyway. A photo of her stood next to a house in the wastes that she found with her when she awoke for the first time with out her family. She wanders the wastes looking for this house hoping that she will find some trace of her former life. She also carry's Re-fill anumitions for both of her guns.

Clothing: Rogue wears a long dark leather coat that reachers her ankles. The coat she prosumes has been made from bramin and is light in weight.
She wears a pair of dark trousers made from some unknown material and a pair of heavy boots that look like army regulation wear. Under her coat she wears metal plated armour that she has patched up and personslised so that it pases vertually un noticed to the human eye. She wears tatered clothes under the rest that she has had for aslong as she can remember.

Well..there we are, this is pretty much it, there are a few extra details about her but i wont go into them now, this profile is long enough :)

This is not an auvoir but a bonjour to an ever lasting dream with out wakening....
Name: Skik
Real Name: Unknown
Race: Ghoul
Age: exact age unknown but around 150
Gender: Male
Occupation: Thief

Physical appearance
Eyes: Off while throught
Hair: N/A
Height: 1m76
Weight: He doesnt know
Complection: Green

Personality: Cold and calculating Skik is however prone to bursts of emontion.

Weapons: The grenade is his weapons of choice.