[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-02 AT 09:36PM (GMT)[p]This Is Dissinger... Say hello Dissinger!
[Dissinger] Hello Dissinger...
Such a cute little Character...
Name: Dissinger
Race: Human
Sex: M
Faction: Enclave (but doesnt know it)
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Weight: 180 Lbs.
Age: 19
Wearing: Leather Armor
Carrying: Desert Viper (Enclave version of desert eagle, standard issue does slightly more damage than its predessesor), Mother's Drivers License (from Hydropolis), Father's Tool Kit.
Bio: Dissinger doesnt know alot of things, and he'll be the first to admit it. All he knows is what his parents told him before they died. At the age of Fourteen his parents were killed by men wearing Power Armor. They had hidden him from the men before they had crashed into the building they had used as a home for so long. The only thing he remembers hearing was the word "Enclave", though he had never heard it before. After the men had left he crawled from his hiding spot to see the two piles of ashes that had been his parents. Realizing he was all alone he grabbed what little hadn't been destroyed in the skirmish. The result was his mother pistol, which she had taught him little about how to use, his fathers tool kit, and his mothers license though he never knew what from. These are the only reminders of the charmed life he had, he wanders the desert looking for the man that killed his parents, but never knowing it was Special Agent Frank Horrigan.
[Dissinger] Hello Dissinger...
Such a cute little Character...
Name: Dissinger
Race: Human
Sex: M
Faction: Enclave (but doesnt know it)
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Brown
Weight: 180 Lbs.
Age: 19
Wearing: Leather Armor
Carrying: Desert Viper (Enclave version of desert eagle, standard issue does slightly more damage than its predessesor), Mother's Drivers License (from Hydropolis), Father's Tool Kit.
Bio: Dissinger doesnt know alot of things, and he'll be the first to admit it. All he knows is what his parents told him before they died. At the age of Fourteen his parents were killed by men wearing Power Armor. They had hidden him from the men before they had crashed into the building they had used as a home for so long. The only thing he remembers hearing was the word "Enclave", though he had never heard it before. After the men had left he crawled from his hiding spot to see the two piles of ashes that had been his parents. Realizing he was all alone he grabbed what little hadn't been destroyed in the skirmish. The result was his mother pistol, which she had taught him little about how to use, his fathers tool kit, and his mothers license though he never knew what from. These are the only reminders of the charmed life he had, he wanders the desert looking for the man that killed his parents, but never knowing it was Special Agent Frank Horrigan.