My Fallout inspired album is finally released !


Vault Fossil
As some of you know, during the last years, I have scored several Fallout inspired mods, projects, webcomics ( Olympus 2207, FOnline : Desert Europe, the N.O.W animated comics that is about to be released ... )

Well, today I'm releasing an album that is the fruit of these projects.


'The Cockroach Sessions' is a collection of 21 songs that were, directly or not, Fallout-inspired. Some of the songs are remixes of songs that were featured in the forementionned projects, some others are entirely new creations...

Here are some excerpts :!

It is 55 minutes long and you can get it from the following link :

<iframe src="" width="210px" height="400px" frameborder="1" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Finally : you can also visit my website if you are interested in some collaborations for your own project !
Thank you !

Btw, and sorry if that's a bit embarrassing, but that's the first time I'm trying to sell any music so the thing is everybody is commenting on how good it is but only one person has bought it so far :lol:


Either the prices are too high.


That kind of music isn't meant to be bought ( too nerdy, too soundtrack-y... )

And I do not mean that in a passive-aggressive way at all, I did not expect it to be Beatle-mania all over againt at all lol
I'm just interested in adjusting the prices so everyone who likes it can get the album because, once again, the goal is not to sell that particular album but to raise money for my studio so I can become a better composer.
I do not want to be a musician, to sell albums, to go on tour.
I just want to do soundtracks to games and short movies...

Anyway, once again, thank you for this comment. It still means a lot to me :D

EDIT : changed the prices of both the MP3 and LOSSLESS versions to 8 dollars...they were too pricey...
Just had a listen via the Youtube link and yes, it is great work. Once upon a time I was a serious musician/composer but... well, lost my passion. So when I say I like what you've done, I mean that sincerely and admire your "sticking with it". Almost makes me want to get back into music.

As for people not buying... I can't speak for anyone else but things are tight in our household and while $8 isn't a lot, if something isn't in the budget...
Good work MrBumble!

How you've been? :)

" the thing is everybody is commenting on how good it is but only one person has bought it so far"

How to buy it, I can't find a link where I can buy it :)

"That kind of music isn't meant to be bought ( too nerdy, too soundtrack-y... ) "

Different people can listen to music for different reasons. The difficult stuff is to get this music to people who will buy it, and even harder is to "name" such music for people to get it.

There are people who like to listen to music without vocals, but they won't look for "Sountracky" music.

The music you're presenting is great. I like the sounds and the mixing. Hardcore IMO.

And The Glow Inc.- tough call TBH. I had the same idea and still got it, but the competition is HUGE! Royalty Free Music- that's what they're called, and they've been here for loong time.

So the question is if you're gonna make a living with all this money you can earn through selling such music?

And the answer is- I dunno. I'm working on it myself ^^
I've had couple of sales, and I believe I can get more, but looking and believing is a pain in the ass that takes you a lot of time.