My Fallout review

Welcome to NMA, but this isn't the right place for hellos. I think you'll get better response to your review if you post it here instead of a link.
Ozrat said:
Welcome to NMA, but this isn't the right place for hellos.

I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone, and just posting a link wouldn't be a particularly interesting post, but oh well.

I think you'll get better response to your review if you post it here instead of a link.


January 6, 2005 - This is the greatest RPG, no, game ever made. Hands down.

I realize this one is aging, but it's aging like fine wine. Most gamers have either beat the crap out of this game, or are not going to play it either because they simply haven't heard of it or they can't look past the old school graphics. But, for those of you interested or are already part of the hardcore, here it is:

Cool. That's the most descriptive word I can use for this game. The premise, the characters, the setting, the dialog, the pop culture references; all cooler than any other game I've played before (and I've played alot).

I don't like spoiling plots, so I won't. But here's the basic storyline: Your character (it can be any kind of character you can imagine) has lived in Vault 13 for a number of years following an apocolyptic nuclear war. When the vault's water purification system fails, you are chosen to leave and secure another water chip from another, nearby vault. So, the doors are locked behind you and you are forced to go out into the unknown wasteland on a seemingly simple task.

Easy, right? No.

Along the way you'll uncover destoryed cities, laboratories, cults, guns, mutants, prostitutes, guns, unsavory characters, and guns.

That's about all of the particulars I'd like to give away, but one more thing might be of interest: YOU CAN DEFEAT THE ENTIRE GAME WITHOUT FIRING A SINGLE SHOT. Think about that. Or you could take the Bloody Mess perk and go all out. Your choice.

That's what makes this game so great: freedom. You can literally do whatever you want, whenever you want. More so than even GTA, and much more engaging. Gorier, too.

Dialog is absolutly classic. It will have you cracking up one second, thinking the next, and always hanging on every word. The great writing and countless dialoge options are something sorely lacking from newer titles, in my opinion.

To put my personal experience playing Fallout in perspective, chew on this: I've stopped playing Halo 2 on XBox Live almost completely just so I can screw around with this eight year old game that I've beaten over a dozen times a bit more. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

You will love this game if: you like RPGs, are sick of the traditional RPG setting (as I am starting to), don't like RPGs but like games in general, you like the Mad Max movies, you are human (or mutant).

Go out and buy this one, I'm sure it's real cheap by now. If you don't like it you can punch me in the face.
Reader's Ratings for Fallout (PC)
Rating Description
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
10 Presentation
From the opening cinemas to the little Pipboy illustrations in the stats menu, topnotch
10 Graphics
Some say dated, I say a beautiful work of art.
10 Sound
Wind in the wasteland, good gun effects, great voice acting.
10 Gameplay
Stat points and levels really mean something. The mouse only gameplay keeps it simple and effective. Turn-based combat it great and strategic.
10 Lasting Appeal
Hey, I still play it every day.
(out of 10 / not an average)

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*keep in mind this was geared toward IGN readers, not people on this site or others familiar with the game already. Otherwise, there'd no real point in reviewing it at all, would there?
Well, rating it a perfect ten in every category gives you the aura of a fanboy, rather than an objective reviewer. This makes it much more likely that people will write-off your review.

I enjoy Fallout, it's my favorite cRPG, but I still wouldn't award it a perfect ten. It's my personal favorite, that doesn't mean it's flawless.
No game is really flawless, but in my years of playing games, this is the one I consider the best (besides Contra). There are others that come close, but this is as close to perfection as anything I've played. Something needs to get a 10, it represents the top of the 1-10 rating system. It basically means compared to other games, it's on top.

Does this make me a fanboy? Maybe, but's there's a reason for that: it's an awesome game.
I love and appreciate Fallout for what it is, I trust his review but a perfect 10? It's a great freedom based RPG and it beats the shit out of Fable in every way (graphics aside) but I'd score it differently.

Presentation: 10
awesome 1950's retro future design

Graphics: 6.5
lets be honest, dated visuals, won't take you out of the game
but certainly could be better, still the flavorful art style is ok

Gameplay: 9.5
awesome gameplay, cool setting, incredible RPG design and freedom, literally one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played, but the deceptive play style is seriously lacking, and more evil quests would have been appreciated by me

Sound FX/Music: 7.5
great ambience, incredible feeling of desolation, the world is strange, mysterious, frightening, the music conveys this very well but still gets repetitive after a while, the sound effects are decent and the voice acting is simply superb

Interface: 10
perfect, simple easily navigated interface with mouse controls, and various key functions for swifter navigation, but any way you put it the interface is enjoyable, and never annoying to use

Replay value: 10
I'm still playing this game and I'm enjoying every bit of it, damn there's a ridiculous amount of things to do in so many different ways, and best of all there's so many different out comes

I'd score this game a 8.8 out of 10 pretty similar to Gamespot's review, it's great but it is flawed just not enough to damage it's appeal