My first low budget movie


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
It cost me 0,00$ and i made it in two days. First day i made item, second day scenario and photos in abandoned factory. Exacly its slideshow which look like movie. I made each photo in every two steps, some kind of first person travelling. But it weight only 500Kb so you can see it online.

Known problems: First time it look weird because all pictures must be load. Your browser need use java scripts. There is no sound, but i like watch it when listen this mus: baikonur.mp3

LINK: click here to see it (updated 3rd longer version)

And some screenshot:
Nice stuff. I like the old school style of the film. Is that a pattern from "Hell Raiser" on the paper? :D
I made triple longer version using all photos made there. Now its look like scroll "teleport" betwen three places around building. Its finall version, check it.

Location: Poland, not so far from city i live is few bunkers, shelters and other abandoned places
Inspiration: Yes its "lament configuration" from Hellraiser
I made second one 8)

LINK: LeMarchand Scrolls part2

Scenario: Japan 2418, somewhere in ruined city. Some folk found one from LeMarchand scrolls. It teleport him into another dimension where he see mysterious clues. Vision is shocking, but he cant go away and try again solve this puzzle.

nice video

but the music :

jest klimatyczna ale imo pousuwałbym kilka dźwięków bo za dużo ich jest albo przynajmniej poszciszał te szumy np

muzyka wg mnie 8/10 :)

we want more
Lich, that was awesome, do you like Chris Marker??? it kinda reminded me of some of his stuff....

what camera did you use to get those images, it was rather stark and beautiful.....
that was awesome, do you like Chris Marker???

I dont known him. When i search info about Chris M. and i found interesting site about post-nuc movies:

what camera did you use to get those images

Some cheap one, nothing special, but i used special effects like blur on photoeditor

Totally Hellraiser's puzzle box. Where did you get those schematics!?

First i found site about Lament Configuration replica:
Then i edit on photoeditor picture of one panel to made printable version
When i got printed sketch, then just bold lines using plack pen
Yeah Conelrad is an awesome cold-war site, Its got great info on Fallout type films, literature and the like, another great fallout type site is:
I often compete with the owner for items on eBay, but he wins most of the time....

You do know Chris Marker, but maybe not directly, he is an inspiration for Fallout....he made the film "La Jetée", which "Twelve Monkeys" is based....
Chris Marker on the IMBD:
Nice work Lich!

Bad Sector - baikonur was very suitable while watching your movies, suited better than decide imo. But of course it depens on what setting you want to illustrate.
Good work!

I love that you have kept it in black and white - colours would ruin the mood.

Sweet ruins too.