It cost me 0,00$ and i made it in two days. First day i made item, second day scenario and photos in abandoned factory. Exacly its slideshow which look like movie. I made each photo in every two steps, some kind of first person travelling. But it weight only 500Kb so you can see it online.
Known problems: First time it look weird because all pictures must be load. Your browser need use java scripts. There is no sound, but i like watch it when listen this mus: baikonur.mp3
LINK: click here to see it (updated 3rd longer version)
And some screenshot:
Known problems: First time it look weird because all pictures must be load. Your browser need use java scripts. There is no sound, but i like watch it when listen this mus: baikonur.mp3
LINK: click here to see it (updated 3rd longer version)
And some screenshot: