My followers exhibit symptoms of a severe Poison allergy...


Le Fromage Vieux oTO
Board Cop oTO
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had this problem. Poison seems to have a 100% fatality rating amongst my companion NPCs. What's more, they're wholly reluctant to do anything about it. They won't use antivenom (and of course, you can't use it on them), and using a Stimpack on them to try to keep them from going gently into that good night seems to instantly inflict a heavy amount of hitpoint damage-- usually enough to drop them outright, which, as I'm playing on Hardcore, is unacceptable.

I've read up a bit on this, and I'm aware that it's probably a 1.02 patch issue. I've even found a few "workarounds," but they're all needlessly complicated. I was hoping someone here would be able to do better, or would at least know more. I really don't want to have to choose between sending my companions back to base after every fight, completely bypassing all poison-inflicting enemies, or uninstalling the patch.
This is why I avoided using any companions while playing on Hardcore. Most of the time, they are way too un-cautious.

Like if i see Cazadores in the distance, I crouch down and try to snipe them; they just run forward and do a full-frontal attack. this is fine for regular mode, where they just get knocked out, but on Hardcore they get killed too easily and I don't want to deal with hauling around all the stuff I had them carrying for me.

Long story short, if you are really hardcore, you don't need companions.
What companion perks are really worth it?

The only thing they seem really useful for is carrying my extra stuff.

The ED-E perk to see red dots on my map seemed useful at first, but most red dots are for enemies that are so far away, that it becomes stupid... idk, maybe it's just me.
This is a problem introduced with patch 1.2, when companions are poisoned and you or they use a stimpak, the health is subtracted, not added. Since they use two or three after a Cazador sting, this leads to a death in no time.

The latest 1.3 patch solved this problem, so don't be greedy and give them lots of stims.

But I wish they were capable to use antivenom, since they won't use a stimpak until the fight is over, so if you see one of them being stinged, be sure to end the battle fast.