I've already posted this idea once but since no one posted any replies about what they thought about it I post it again. Okey her it is:
Fallout 3
It starts about sixty years after the second game. In the city founded by the hero from the second game all is peachy. A little too peachy. No one knows anything about the outside world except from the leaders of the city. They are keeping the city isolated from any contact with the outside world. High walls surround the entire city, and only a few brainwashed guards know about the “Outside”. Lately strange things have been seen in the sky (vertibirds). The hero is a young man or woman that one day meets a man from “the Outside” and finds out that the City Leaders are lying about everything! Outside the city people are fighting a war and the city is in the middle.
To save their own asses the Leaders have agreed to sell the town and its citizens to one of the nations. The hero must now get out of the city and save the town. When he have saved the city he must now make peace between the two fighting nations, either by eliminate one of the leading generals or both (for maximum happiness in the city) or make the two nations sign a peace-treaty.
*Ideas for special encounters:
A very old man and woman arguing in the desert (Vic the trader and his daughter Valerie from Fallout 2). If you use the Steal skill on Val you can steal a wrench with the markings “To my Valerie on her sixth birthday”.
A big dead duck in a sailors suit next to three small ones (better talk to the Walt Disney company first). Can be searched for a small Mickey Mouse statue.
A crashed spacecraft shaped like a white shoe. Next to it an alien body with two heads and three arms with a Kill-o-Zap-gun on it. I think that if Douglas Adams approved the use the Crashed Whale he will approve the use of this.
Fallout 3
It starts about sixty years after the second game. In the city founded by the hero from the second game all is peachy. A little too peachy. No one knows anything about the outside world except from the leaders of the city. They are keeping the city isolated from any contact with the outside world. High walls surround the entire city, and only a few brainwashed guards know about the “Outside”. Lately strange things have been seen in the sky (vertibirds). The hero is a young man or woman that one day meets a man from “the Outside” and finds out that the City Leaders are lying about everything! Outside the city people are fighting a war and the city is in the middle.
To save their own asses the Leaders have agreed to sell the town and its citizens to one of the nations. The hero must now get out of the city and save the town. When he have saved the city he must now make peace between the two fighting nations, either by eliminate one of the leading generals or both (for maximum happiness in the city) or make the two nations sign a peace-treaty.
*Ideas for special encounters:
A very old man and woman arguing in the desert (Vic the trader and his daughter Valerie from Fallout 2). If you use the Steal skill on Val you can steal a wrench with the markings “To my Valerie on her sixth birthday”.
A big dead duck in a sailors suit next to three small ones (better talk to the Walt Disney company first). Can be searched for a small Mickey Mouse statue.
A crashed spacecraft shaped like a white shoe. Next to it an alien body with two heads and three arms with a Kill-o-Zap-gun on it. I think that if Douglas Adams approved the use the Crashed Whale he will approve the use of this.