My knife is lost (FO2)


First time out of the vault
Hello forum,

I started playing this game few days ago and I'm in the rat cave.
I threw one rat with my throwing knife and it died behind a box. I am now unable to find my knife. Help?
Sorry, if it's completely covered by the box you can't pick it up again. Get some backup knives to throw rats with.
Per said:
Sorry, if it's completely covered by the box you can't pick it up again. Get some backup knives to throw rats with.

Um... That just made me giggle.

Especially in context with the original post. :clap:

OP: You can find quite a number of throwing knives in Klamath, I believe, if you are so inclined to actually use throwing. You can also steal rocks from various people (usual children).
Oh yea, I could read my posts before posting them :?

"I threw my throwing knife to a rat and it died behind a box."

Per said:
Sorry, if it's completely covered by the box you can't pick it up again.

Oh well, I thought I had quicksaved after I threw rats, but I didn't so my knife is safe :)

Thanks for the "help".