My little town needs simple script (Screenshots in here)


First time out of the vault
First I'll explain everything. I want To be copied and renamed, except I want it to run off MTtwnp.msg(Copy of DCcustmr.msg renamed to MTtwnp.msg), The original game scripts are perfect for my map but I don't want to overwrite the original ones, or I may want to use another copy of this script. I used FSE and changed the script name and stuff, but when I compile it, it says it was succesful though I can't find the script in the specified folder! What the hell has happened and can someone tell me what to do from the beggining?

Okay, Since no one has been answering my question :x , I'll simplify it.

Have:                                  Want:
          FSE                                 Compiler to work
          DCCUSTMR.MSG               Re-named DCCUSTMR.MSG
          DCCUSTMR.SSL                Re-named DCCUSTMR.INT  that
          DCCUSTMR.INT             runs off Re-named DCCUSTMR.MSG

Can ANYONE help me!!:?: :help:
This is why I want it, I made two maps that are put together to make one city 'Meals Town', Okay, It's a bad name but I don't no what to call it!

Map 1 - Meals Town

The complet gallery (With all the screenshots) is here
Well, first you have to add your script filename ( to the scripts.lst file.
Code:    ; comment here # local_vars=12
Then modify the "scripts.h" and put it there too
#define SCRIPT_MTTWNP         (NNNN)  // comment here.
NNNN = line number in the scripts.lst where your script entry is.
Copy the dccustmr.msg to mttwnp.msg, dccustmr.ssl to mttwnp.ssl. Then edit the mttwnp.ssl and on the line where it says
#define NAME                        SCRIPT_DCCUSTMR
change the SCRIPT_DCCUSTMR to SCRIPT_MTTWNP. Compile the script (can't help you there, I use the original compiler the way it came with the mapper) and put in in the scripts directory.
Shadowbird has it all right.

To do same thing in FSE:

Copy the dccustmr.msg to mttwnp.msg, dccustmr.ssl to mttwnp.ssl. Then open the mttwnp.ssl in FSE and click script/register script option from menu. (I hope you set Fallout2 and headers dir in option;))
Enter your object name and click OK.

Then you can click on compile button to compile this script.

If you want use FSE to compile scripts you MUST set patch to compiler(compile.exe) and precompiler(Watcom).
To install Watcom download this:
and unzip to your mapper/scripts/ folder.

Then go to FSE options and set compiler folder to mapper/scripts.

Then it should work.
Umm... I can get temp.i created, but as soon as i open up fsekomp.bat it comes up with this error -
Dumb Windows Error said:
16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem

C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application
_______ ________
|Close | |Ignore|

If I click Ignore, it quits anyway, Is it because of Windows XP? If so, is XP really that helpful, exactly what does it do?

Tell me how good you think my (pretty bad) maps are (I'm only 12/13 (So don't excpect me to be a grand master mapper)).
If I click Ignore, it quits anyway, Is it because of Windows XP? If so, is XP really that helpful, exactly what does it do?

Well yes, it can be because of XP :].

This problems is you should not even seen fsecomp.bat.
it should be deleted.
This bat file run compiler on temp.i file and output should be script renamed later to
Well it looks it did not work corectly.
Chucky said:
Kinda going off topic, Is my sig too big? I have a feeling I should change it.

10 kB isn't too much in terms of file size when some people have 300 kB sig pics (grumble modem grumble). You shouldn't triple post, though, use the edit function instead. Yes, I know that doesn't let you bump your own thread.