First time out of the vault

Hey I'm 13 and I have a penis, I'm playing every Fallout game in order and wanted to voice my opinion on this game.
I'm sure this has been mentioned a bazillion times but I just had to type this, I'm playing through FO:3 GOTY and some things just irk me to no end.
I can't help but nuke Megaton, honestly... even if Mr Burke didn't pay me I'd still do it just for the explosion and how funny it is to see a zombie Moira standing at ground zero. That is about the only important decision you make in the game besides poisoning project purity or not dying after the last scene in the base game.
I also feel that Talon company was under-developed and could have been a joinable faction or at least a group to do a few quests for so they can be neutral to you. I would still kill them but it would still be a good idea for people with more morals than me yet play a bad guy.
I do love the Cannibal perk and mister sandman but I feel that mister sandman is under-utilized unless you feel like killing everyone in Tenpenny tower but I can't bring myself to do that as the people living in it are snooty, racist, and awesome like me "minus the overpowered pip-boy and liberty spikes".
Speaking of Tenpenny tower, the Raider theme is great and it's lovely for a player that utilizes a chain-smoking Jericho with a flamethrower as a buddy ol-pal. I also like the mission where you kill a bunch of zombies in a tunnel and when you threaten the one in the pink dress and it screams then I shoot a 10mm through it's rotting face.
The slavers in Paradise Falls were pretty nice too, the mesmetron was fun as well because I used it to put sexy sleepwear on all the girls in Rivet City but then decided to just enslave them all when I was bored. I wish you could get a tattoo on your head like the second game though because that would be pretty cool, maybe go on slave runs too... but NOOOOoooOO!!!
I didn't really like the Main story though because it was a bit one-dimensional and I Mini-nuked my dad but he still wouldn't die which was lame, I also don't understand how he had a thick English accent and Moriarty spoke in thick Irish or something even though they are very likely from the United States.
The DLC's were pretty decent but I had a hell of a time with Mothership Zeta and almost turned the difficulty to easy but I hate doing that as it makes me feel like a wuss so I just kept trucking even though the bastards with the force-fields kept vaporizing me with lasers like in Mars Attacks.
I almost considered taking my Winterized suit of power armor but it makes you so OP that even very hard is a breeze which breaks the game IMO. If your not at risk of dying then there is no fun so I went back to using Col. Autumns coat and pistol. That brings me to another point, I preferred the Enclave over the Brotherhood of Steel and wish you could take their side. I didn't totally agree with what they were doing but they were cooler than the Brotherhood as they had a robot president.
Overall I liked the game quite a bit and it was far better than 99% of the games on the Xbox 360/PS3. I have also played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim but Elder Scrolls games pale in comparison to Fallout games. Skyrim is as wide as the ocean but as deep as a puddle.
EDIT: The people in the game don't grip handguns right by the way.... Holding your left hand under the grip doesn't help with recoil at all. You're supposed to put the second hand over your first one with your thumb next to the magazine release when aiming while shooting two-handed.
I'm sure this has been mentioned a bazillion times but I just had to type this, I'm playing through FO:3 GOTY and some things just irk me to no end.
I can't help but nuke Megaton, honestly... even if Mr Burke didn't pay me I'd still do it just for the explosion and how funny it is to see a zombie Moira standing at ground zero. That is about the only important decision you make in the game besides poisoning project purity or not dying after the last scene in the base game.
I also feel that Talon company was under-developed and could have been a joinable faction or at least a group to do a few quests for so they can be neutral to you. I would still kill them but it would still be a good idea for people with more morals than me yet play a bad guy.
I do love the Cannibal perk and mister sandman but I feel that mister sandman is under-utilized unless you feel like killing everyone in Tenpenny tower but I can't bring myself to do that as the people living in it are snooty, racist, and awesome like me "minus the overpowered pip-boy and liberty spikes".
Speaking of Tenpenny tower, the Raider theme is great and it's lovely for a player that utilizes a chain-smoking Jericho with a flamethrower as a buddy ol-pal. I also like the mission where you kill a bunch of zombies in a tunnel and when you threaten the one in the pink dress and it screams then I shoot a 10mm through it's rotting face.
The slavers in Paradise Falls were pretty nice too, the mesmetron was fun as well because I used it to put sexy sleepwear on all the girls in Rivet City but then decided to just enslave them all when I was bored. I wish you could get a tattoo on your head like the second game though because that would be pretty cool, maybe go on slave runs too... but NOOOOoooOO!!!
I didn't really like the Main story though because it was a bit one-dimensional and I Mini-nuked my dad but he still wouldn't die which was lame, I also don't understand how he had a thick English accent and Moriarty spoke in thick Irish or something even though they are very likely from the United States.
The DLC's were pretty decent but I had a hell of a time with Mothership Zeta and almost turned the difficulty to easy but I hate doing that as it makes me feel like a wuss so I just kept trucking even though the bastards with the force-fields kept vaporizing me with lasers like in Mars Attacks.
I almost considered taking my Winterized suit of power armor but it makes you so OP that even very hard is a breeze which breaks the game IMO. If your not at risk of dying then there is no fun so I went back to using Col. Autumns coat and pistol. That brings me to another point, I preferred the Enclave over the Brotherhood of Steel and wish you could take their side. I didn't totally agree with what they were doing but they were cooler than the Brotherhood as they had a robot president.
Overall I liked the game quite a bit and it was far better than 99% of the games on the Xbox 360/PS3. I have also played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim but Elder Scrolls games pale in comparison to Fallout games. Skyrim is as wide as the ocean but as deep as a puddle.
EDIT: The people in the game don't grip handguns right by the way.... Holding your left hand under the grip doesn't help with recoil at all. You're supposed to put the second hand over your first one with your thumb next to the magazine release when aiming while shooting two-handed.