

First time out of the vault
so annyway, I new here...

hi! :)

i have Fallout 2, here on my work computer (yes I play fallout 2 for a living), and I was bumming around the Den and ran into the ghost of Anna Winslow, I was feeling curious (and being the nice person i am) and thought what the hell and stabbed her in the eyes and killed her... she ducked the first shot but went down on the third...

I just thought that was really weired. (the fact that she was killable, not the fact that i gruesemly attacked her).

but at least there's another way to deal with that situation :roll:
Congratz on the find, but is there somewhere you were hoping to discuss on this thread?

Can you elaborate a bit?
yeah, just crazy little tidbits like that...

asumming you ment something instead of somwhere, otherwise i don't know how to answer that question... :scratch:
I think he means, what do you want us to talk about? Did you just want to share your story?

e.g. "anyone else have some other weird Fallout experience?"

Not being rude, btw. Welcome to forum.
I once had a strange bug.

On a caravan raid, raiders attacked it. I search the dead bodies and found around $6 billion in one of the raider's corpses 8)
Wooz69 said:
...$6 billion in one of the raider's corpses 8)
Yeah, I found that once too, he wasn't dead tho', so I just kept stealing over & over until I got bored.
The first time I went to New Reno when I had the car, I didn't choose to "jump" to virgin street, but instead the commercial row. So, when I came back to virgin street my car was gone but Jules still says "Daaaamnn that a car?"
I once overpacked Vic. (as I don't know about you, but when you're one of my henchman you become a pack horse)

and annyway, I could no longer trade with him, so everytime i wanted to get some thing off him or swap something, i had to sneak up to him and pick his pockets.

Marcus once stopped talking to me aswell, so i couldn't ask him to wait or put away his guns.
everytime i did a mission in the NCR or around a paranoid trader in the desert i'd have to run up real fast, talk then run back before marcus could catch up, thankfully he's pretty slow!