Need help FAST with PC to PC transfer!


Antediluvian as Feck
I'm trying to transfer several gigs of data from a stationary PC to a laptop, so I can consequently bring the laptop home (in about 10 hours!). I've connected them with a cable, and I can access the laptop with the stationary PC but not the stationary PC with the laptop. I've set up a network, set static IPs and so on, done everyting I usually do, but it doesn't work. When I try to access the stationary PC with the laptop it says that I'm not allowed to access it, despite having turned all firewalls and blockers off. Any ideas of what to do next?
Both computers need the IPX protocol, add it, and it should work.

Put up a writable share on the laptop and copy what you need from the desktop maybe?
That could work, yes. It's difficult now though, since I can barely connect to the laptop anymore. I'll try though, thanks a lot all the same.
You could compress it all, and then put it on disc(s). :D

External HDD would work, as well, but it's not nearly as fun.
Here's my checklist for getting file sharing to work on WinXP:

-Check that you have TCP/IP, Microsoft network client and Microsoft file sharing enabled on both PC's network config.
-Assign IP addresses in the same subnet; 192.168.1.x/ is recommended for this, but other ranges will work.
-Use the same username and password on both computers (you HAVE to set a password, unless you want to edit the security policies; you can then use tweakUI to auto-login if the password really bothers you)
-Run the network config wizard in the Control Panel. Since the point is not sharing the internet connection, just getting filesharing to work, choose only that. No need for a config floppy either.
-If you are accustomed to the way sharing worked in previous windows versions, disabling the simple file sharing in the folder options might make you more comfortable.
-Share the necessary folders and set permissions (on both the folder AND the share itself) to allow full access to your username or even everyone.
-If you get timeouts, you may need to disable the firewall on the PC you were trying to access. If you are directly connected to the internet or on a router's DMZ, careful: disconnect before disabling the firewall.

I think that's it, off the top of my head.
Excuse me if some things are not properly worded, I'm used to giving this sort of advice in Portuguese, so some terms could be different.
Hope this helps.
There's this app called "Network Magic" that you can download a trial of for free, which has ok shared folder dealies.
Thanks for everything, but Silencer's advice was gold. Kinda feel stupid for staying up all night now, because it was such an obvious solution. So tired after flying home from the States, can't think anymore.
Dude, it's Windows XP file sharing. After you stay up for a few nights, you'll learn to work with the possibilities given :D