Need help with getting the water chip quickly as possible.


First time out of the vault
I'm playing through Fallout and Fallout 2 for the first time, after initially being put off by their ancient control schemes. I've gotten the hang of it down, but I wasted like twenty days before even getting to the second vault by exploring and going to Junktown. I'm going to restart but I would like to get the water chip as fast as possible. I've seen people say you can get it in 6 or so minutes, but obviously I don't know if that's true. Thanks for any help yall can give!
No need to restart, really. You have plenty of time left. Though I guess it will consume more time than usual, since you were supposed to go to Vault 15 before Junktown - why did you do it, anyway?
Regardless, go to Vault 15 and bring a rope.
After that, you need to go to Hub. It's south of Junktown, and I think some character in that place gives you exact location on the world map.
Just don't go lollygagging at the first 20 minutes/first hour of the game. Unless you metagame, sticking to the intended direction would greatly help you getting started. From Shady Sands you can branch off to Junktown or Hub, and from either town you can branch off to the rest of the marked place iirc, even getting to the exact place where the Water Chip is as early as Junktown/Hub.
Also, another little can extend the time limit. How and where, I'll leave to you, but it's much easier than you might think.
No need to restart, really. You have plenty of time left. Though I guess it will consume more time than usual, since you were supposed to go to Vault 15 before Junktown - why did you do it, anyway?
Regardless, go to Vault 15 and bring a rope.
After that, you need to go to Hub. It's south of Junktown, and I think some character in that place gives you exact location on the world map.
I just like exploring. Already got the rope, 2 of em actually.
Thanks guys!
Secondary question. I'm in Necropolis, extended my time at The Hub and was on my way through ghoul town, and made it through the first section of sewers. Found the passive Super Mutant outside the grate and then got one shotted by the next one. Anything I'm doing wrong or is it just a question of gear/level?
Secondary question. I'm in Necropolis, extended my time at The Hub and was on my way through ghoul town, and made it through the first section of sewers. Found the passive Super Mutant outside the grate and then got one shotted by the next one. Anything I'm doing wrong or is it just a question of gear/level?
I assume it was the one who initiate conversation with you? Have you tried talking it out with him?
Secondary question. I'm in Necropolis, extended my time at The Hub and was on my way through ghoul town, and made it through the first section of sewers. Found the passive Super Mutant outside the grate and then got one shotted by the next one. Anything I'm doing wrong or is it just a question of gear/level?

Getting one shot by Mutants is a thing in this game regardless of level. If they roll a critical hit with some big gun that takes away 200HP...well, you get a picture.
Save often.

As to why he shot you, I can't recall.
Getting one shot by Mutants is a thing in this game regardless of level. If they roll a critical hit with some big gun that takes away 200HP...well, you get a picture.
Save often.

As to why he shot you, I can't recall.
Didn't believe me that I wasn't a ghoul.
Didn't believe me that I wasn't a ghoul.
Wait..... how can you try to convince him that you aren't a ghoul? Because I'm sure as hell the only option there is to convince him that you are a ghoul. And you need good Speech for that.
Typo. My speech is currently hovering at 70
That should've been enough, or maybe you happen to get a bad roll (yes, skill checks in older Fallouts were chance/%-based iirc). Do you have a save before that encounter? Reload from there and try again.
That should've been enough, or maybe you happen to get a bad roll (yes, skill checks in older Fallouts were chance/%-based iirc). Do you have a save before that encounter? Reload from there and try again.
Yeah, I'm just gonna keep plugging away at it. I'm getting better at the game each time I try or make a new character so even in failure, I'm having a blast.