Need Help with Playing Wasteland.


Your Local Scrub
I can't seem to find Wasteland for download. (EDIT: Download to buy, legally.)

Also, can it be ran on DosBox? If so... how?

Is it a hard game to play? Does it require constantly punching in difficult commands or is it relatively easy. I really do want to play it, and I might need help with it when I get it.
Wasteland should be abandonware, but those are always a rather grey area.
I'd post a link to a big abandonware site that usually keeps their archive clean with respect to legal issues and Wasteland is on there, but NMA is rather strict when it comes to less-than-legal stuff and I don't know how abandonware is handled here.
Anyway, yes, Wasteland should work with DOSBox. I haven't tried it myself, but it should be no problem.
I suggest you read some DOSBox tutorials, it's not very hard. At least not if you grew up with DOS :D
I'd say Wasteland is rather intuitive, but it definitely is complex. You need to keep track of your inventory and the gameworld is persistent and all that.
You definitely need the manual when you play it.
But don't be discouraged, it's worth it as far as I know :D
Yeah I grew up with DOS also. I used it when I was 8-13 but damn man, it has been so long. I have DosBox now but the commands seem so alien to me. I can't remember how to do anything.
It's not all that complicated.
First of all you need to mount a device in DOSBox.
I'd say you install your DOS games in your usual games folder, let's say c:\games.
So in DOSBox you type
mount c c:\games\Dosgames
and there you have it. Now in DOSBox you have a drive C: that has all your DOS games that are in your Dosgames folder. You should write that directly into the autoexecution of DOSBox in the dosbox configuration, btw.
Put all the Wasteland files in there and start the install.exe or whatever there is.
The DOSBox default configuration is already pretty good for most games, if you have problems you should check the DOSBox Wiki, it's pretty good.
It doesn't have an install file. I just straight mounted the game and it came up. should I look for an install file first though?
Nah, if there's no installation it's fine, just start the game.
You might have to fiddle with your DOSBox settings like Soundblaster emulation and so on. Maybe you should take a look at the Wiki for that.
No. It depends on the game if you have to install it or not.
I never really played Wasteland, though. Just tested it once and then didn't have enough time to put into the game.
Yeah I looked in the file and there was no file that said "setup" or "install" or anything. So I just mounted it in DOS and then typed


And then it came up.

EDIT: Sorry excuse the typos.