Need Modeller for HL² Mapping Project !


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I'm working on a Vault 13 Map for Hl² ... but I have a serious problem; I cant model !

So I hope that there is some1 outta there who want to help me out !
Here are some Screenshots of my map:






I need: Monitors, chairs, maybe tables, computers, some openings of the ventilation system... Door and windowframes and some miscalenous Stuff
Where'd you get the models from you have in your map right now? I could send you some of the models I used for my UT map... but they probably look butt fugly compared to what you have there...
I could probably model some simple stuff like chairs, tables and beds, but beware, modeling is the only thing I can, I don't know how to import stuff to games.
(I've just learn't normal bump mapping too now :) )
I only used like 6 models on that map... the rest is 100% Brushwork...

@Kahgan heres my ICQ number:" " I f you still want to help u can reach me via it 341-327-610
What I see is horrendously cool. I'm impressed. Don't forget to post a link here when you've finished :P
I found the link to my Vault 13 map made for UT. It looks like utter crap compared to yours but I'll still post it... oh, and about the textures... this is the best texture I found to use on this map that came with UT....

thx ! but I still need someone to do some models for me... if I do stuff like monitors with brushes it looks like shit...
Just a really quick start on a computer in max(no textures or anything)

I sent you a PM btw...
thats pretty good... you should make the side with the monitors a bit
more diagonally
yeah, it's just a start, but check your PM's, we don't want to bother the moderators with this stuff on the boards :)