Negative Hit Chance problem! Helpz!


First time out of the vault
Just until recently i´ve played F2 with the latest RP and it´s awesome!

But yesterday, when i loaded my save, i suddenly wasn´t able to hit anything with ranged weapons.

I saw sniping a big fat Mole Rat from 5 feet away with a Sniper Rifle and i have -654 in hit chance. In fact, it doesn´t even show the %-sign.

Unarmed and melee is fine though.

All around me lies bodies of broken and beaten people but my char is completely uninjured. No crippled limbs, 8 PER, 89% Small Guns and both good eyes in their sockets.

It's very wierd.

I´ve made some progress in the matter.

It seems weapons using the .233-ammo is having these problems, so i assume the problem itself lies with that ammo!

But what´s the next step?
Even the .233 pistol?
I seem to remember the sniper rifle getting some penalties to hit if you're too close to the target (not that big a penality though), and I think the RP changes some things about ammo in general. Might've changed the Bozar too, if you're using that as well.

Try asking in the RP thread in the modding section instead, since this section is only for unmodded anyway.