New Arroyo News


Night Watchman
Staff member
I've decided to post for you some pictures from the mod (Not the newest ones, mind you, with floats and stuff. We're holding those back until we're ready to begin the closed betatest ;)), here they come:<blockquote><center>

</center></blockquote>Also, although it is taking us heaps more time than we had initially expected, we're getting ready to release the beta. Jargo's figured out a way to script the timed quest (Yes, we're going to have one of these), now all that's left is to wrap up the town and script the remaining locations - apart from Arroyo, we're going to have a few tiny locations on the world map. So, I ask for your patience and see you soon!
That reminds me of Vault City

So this location will show in place where Arroyo was?
(how change one location to other during game)
Bloodlust said:
:shock: ARGH,Release it noooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL. I'm afraid that you'd be severely dissastisfied if we were to do so at this time. But stay tuned.

Lich said:
That reminds me of Vault City

Yeah, I guess it does, many a tile are from the Vault City sets, but I assure you, that the city is quite different in it's general appearance - more friendly and varied.

There are also a few locations you haven't yet seen, mind you. ;)

Lich said:
So this location will show in place where Arroyo was?
(how change one location to other during game)

Yes, it replaces the "old" Arroyo (more specifically, the old location is hidden and a new large one is created in the same spot)

Ask Jargo about it (Also, perhaps you could contact Calleb and ask him if you could join us on the NAM forum.)
So this location will show in place where Arroyo was?
(how change one location to other during game)

I did this using script command mark_area_known it can enable\disable towns on worldmap.


I'm working hard on New Arroyo scripts now, but we have most complicated scripts at the end so just stay tuned.

BTW New Arroyo will be the biggest city in FO2. ;)
Question: will there be something to do in this new Arroyo, or will it all be just something pretty to look at? Please forgive my initial scepticism to things.
Ugh.. Read the thread, Spooky, I've already mentioned a timed quest. And that won't be the only one.

There will be a ton (well, a few couple of dozens of pages worth) of dialogues, as well.

Poor Jargo ;)
Definitely going to try this one. Looking forward to it already, and mighty curious to what you've come up with. :ok:
jargo said:

Its possible to make this randomly?
I imagine city that will be olways different when you play new game.
didn't the ending story tell that new arroyo was called phoenix ?
It's been a long time since i finished F2 so I not to sure if I'm right or not
I don't believe so.

"The refugees of Arroyo and Vault 13 resettled. The Vault Dwellers, finding themselves hundreds of miles from their Vault decided to join the villagers, and their technical expertise, combined with the villagers' survival skills allowed the new settlement to grow and prosper. Two generations of the same bloodline were reunited, and their saviour, the Chosen One, became Elder, and presided over the village in the years to come."

The quote might be a bit innacurate, it's from me memory, but I'm positive there was nothing about a "Phoenix".

I've read the Fallout Bibles in the process of making this mod and there will be only minor deviations from what was written about Arroyo's future there.
Hey,Silencer,i did a small search but didn't find anything.Is this mod goind to be something to play after you 've blown the enclave or it's going to be something like a new game.
For example,you start at new arroyo 10 years later and have to do something to save the world for one more time from the big bad guys with the big big guns that want to destroy the world for fun?
It's going to be the former. You blow up the Enclave and are hinted to go back to the village, there you relinquish the GECK...
Oracle said:
didn't the ending story tell that new arroyo was called phoenix ?
It's been a long time since i finished F2 so I not to sure if I'm right or not

Maybe you mistaken with "Flight of Phoenix" movie heh
However, there's a critter model coming back from Fallout 1 :)

Also - Eeek, Jargo, you've gotten yourself an AVATAR!