New Critter FRM - Uploaded


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I have just uploaded a new critter FRM that was dropped from MR.
The critter is of a Man driving a suit of Heavy Power Armour (HPA), and was converted from Crusader: No Remorse (This game is a abandonware now) into a FO2 FRM file. This was the first FRM I made so it isnt perfect, there are a some tiney transparent 'holes' in the frames, but these should be unnoticable unless the model is placed over a completelty white surface.
The following shows the HPA next to normal power armour for comparison, the model was resized to 68% in order to match the existing models.

And yes it is possible to export nearly every item from Crusader into a FO2 FRM file. Though the Siliencer model may be the exception, or at least a lot harder.
looks good

Hmm the model looks very cool :)

Which way you've exported the model? Have you already testet the new .frm import tool? I've read somewhere that a beta is out (not at nma, but somewhere else; but nma wrote about that this thing will soon be released)

Would be interested in creating some own models too.

Thx for your time :)
Its more of a proccess than a single app. Once you have the individual frames exported into BMPs, you then need to strip all the transparent colours from the images, then recolour the background to be the transparent black that FO2 uses, then load the FO2 palette. Finally I then loaded the BMPs into a FRM using FRM Workshop, the FRMs palette would then need to be reloaded again at this point into the new FRM.

Of course I have now found a way to do this in batches to speed things along and I now have an improved transparency removal technique.
Well here are a few others that can be made into new Critters for FO2 or Tatics probably as they all have 8 facings as opposed to 6 (just delete the extra two for FO2)


Anyone want to make theses? I will write a tutorial on how to make them. We wont be using any of these in MR as some of the team were concerned about the copyright on them, but the game appears to be abandoned (or is on abandonware sites) so it shouldnt be a problem

(the short stumpy dark robot also has animations for it morphing to and from various peices of scernery)

These are the programs I used to Batch edit the images.
Pic2Pic Pro
Palette Swapper:
Also you may need a program called "Crusader Explorer" to extract the BMP from the Shapes.FLX file in Crusader.
Crusader Explorer

Crusader: No Regret

Will upload the index later of where the Robots are located. You only need the Shapes.FLX file to access the critters, in all theory you can use Ultima Pagan critters as well though the graphics arent as good. (same engine).

You will need to resize the images once extracted, so that they match the scall of Fallout 2

Here is the index as promised, it is in two sections as I made two seperate lists and didnt get around to combining them. The Crusader Explorer sorts the images by Hex-Decimal address and as such the index refers to a position of some of the more interesting items, a lot are animation frames. Also there are a few mistakes type-o's in the list so just take a look around.


001 - Silincer/ Crusader
06B - Treadmill Machinery - Small
095 - Civilian sitting
108 - Wall mounted Minigun
113 - Wall mounted Minigun
1B4 - Enforcer Guard
1CD - Turret
1D9 - Projectiles/muzzle flash
277 - Civilian - Orange jump suite
278 - Someone getting blown up
2C3 - Grenade Guard
2CB - Small tracked robot
2DF - Executive in suit/with pistol
2EF - Turret Base
2F0 - Wall mounted Laser
2F1 - Bulk Head Door
2F4 - Fountain
2F5 - Civilian - Engineer
2F6 - Civilian - Clipboard
2F7 - Executive in suit
306 - Pop up Turret
308 - Machine gun guard
30C - Heavy Walker Robot
30D - Bio Hazid Barrel
30E - Bio Hazid Barrel - Lying down
310 - Rock Crusher
317 - Teleport Effect
319 - Armoured Walker Robot
31C - Grenade detonation effect
31F - Grenade detonation effect
320 - Fireball detonation effect
321 - Fireball detonation effect
323 - Hudge Fireball detonation effect
324 - Hudge Fireball detonation effect
325 - Hudge Fireball detonation effect
326 - Fireball detonation effect
327 - Fireball detonation effect
328 - Fireball detonation effect
338 - Light Walker Robot
33B - Guns in action
344 - Civilian - short sleave Shirt
36E - Guns in action
36F - Guns in action
371 - Elite Guard
373 - Wall mounted Laser
383 - Android - Robot (This one looks raelly cool)
384 - Civilian - White jump suit
385 - Tall Walker Robot - Orange
3AC - Civilian - Female
41C - Easter Egg - Ultima plus programer?
431 - Locker, plus damaged locker
43B - Flame effect - hole in pipe
45D - Tiney Bot on Tracks - Robot
4C8 - Turret
4D1 - Elite Guard
4D9 - Civilian
4E0 - Cilian - engineer
4E6 - Big Walker - Robot
4F9 - Steam effect - hole in pipe
4FA - Steam effect - hole in pipe
4FB - Steam effect - hole in pipe
4FD - Steam effect - hole in pipe
50A - Fire effect - hole in pipe
511 - Steam effect - hole in pipe
512 - Steam effect - hole in pipe
515 - Fire effect - hole in pipe
516 - Fire effect - hole in pipe
528 - Elite Grenade Guard
576 - Man on fire effect (I love this one!)
57A - Tropper
580 - Floor Number Panels
58F - Man on disintagrate effect (???)
595 - Executive in Chair
596 - Man on Melt effect (Plasma Gun?)
597 - Executive in Chair - Female
59C - Man on disintagrate effect (???)
5B1 - Big mother! - Robot
5BA - Pop up Terret - Rotating
5D5 - Guard Dying
5D6 - Man frezzing effect (New Weapon perhaps???)
5D7 - Grenade Tropper
5D9 - Steam effect - hole in pipe
5DA - Steam effect - hole in pipe
5DB - Steam effect - hole in pipe
5DC - Steam effect - hole in pipe
5DD - Steam effect - hole in pipe
5DE - Steam effect - hole in pipe
5E2 - Short Heavy Walker - Robot
5E6 - Turret
5EF - Frozen Man Shater Effect
5F0 - Guard Roll
5FF - Tropper Roll
601 - ****** morpth into robot
602 - ****** morpth into robot
603 - ****** morpth into robot
604 - Statue morpth into robot
605 - Console morpth into robot
606 - Tropper Die
60B - Rocks/Rubble
60E - Dead big Mother
625 - Elite Guard Roll
626 - Grenade Elite
62D - Civilian Desintagrate Effect
62E - Elite Guard Die
62F - Enforcer Die
630 - Grenade Enforcer
631 - Enforcer Die
635 - Machinery
636 - Machinery
638 - Machinery
640 - Wreckage
656 - Man Burn then Explode Effect
659 - Goo
65A - Rocks
65D - Rocks

5FA - Bulk head
5B9 - Battery charge station
599 - Fresh skeleton
58B - Barrel
585 - Large storage tanks
55C - Machinery
547 - Machinery
546 - Large Storage tanks
521 - Storage tanks
520 - Storage tanks
4FF - Console
4F6 - Machinery
4E4 - Wreckage
4E1 - Burnt Remains
4DE - Console
4DB - Machinery
4D9 - Civilian in white jump suit (Only 30 frames)
4C6 - Console
4C5 - Robot Wrekage
4C4 - Robot Wrekage
4C3 - Robot Wrekage
4C2 - Robot Wrekage
4C1 - Robot Wrekage
4BE - Dead Body
4BD - Dead Body
4BC - Dead Body
4BB - Dead Body
4BA - Dead Body
4B9 - Dead Body
46B - Blast Door (Vault?)
46A - Blast Door Open (Vault?)
463 - Man in coat (9 Frames)
44F - Cave wall pattern (I Think)
442 - Cave wall pattern (I Think)
43D - Hardened Console opening (Vault door?)
434 - Photo Copy machine
433 - Photo Copy machine (Out of Order)
421 - Weird trolly thing
409 - Podium
3FB - Hardened Console opening (Vault door?)
3DE - Corner Console
3d3 - Fan spining
3CE - Fan spining
3C8 - Various Medical Posters
3C6 - Blast Door (Vault?)
3C1 - Power Transformer
3BC - Console
3B8 - Lab equipment
3B7 - Lab equipment
39D - Power meter
395 - Machinery
389 - Machinery
37D - Statue
372 - Plant
36B - Machinery
36A - Rocks
360 - Body
35D - Man looking around
357 - Machinery (Glowing at top)
34F - Machinery
34C - Power meter
32B - Plant
31E - Card reader Slot
31D - Card reader Slot
30E - Bio Hazard Barral
30D - Bio Hazard Barral
2F4 - fountain
2C4 - Rocks
2AD - Spining Globe hologram
2A2 - Machinery
293 - Treadmill Machinery
292 - Treadmill Machinery
28E - Machinery
28B - Tread Mill - imbedded into ground
288 - Console Large
277 - Man in orange jump suit (37 frames)
258 - Console
257 - Console
203 - Big Rocket
1C0 - Big Rocket
1BF - Power transformer
1BB - Safety Suit
1A6 - Big Machine
1A2 - Radar Dish spining
197 - Storage tank
192 - Machinery (Looks good)
18F - Machinery
18C - Machinery (Looks good)
16F - Vault door - opening (Big red V)
16E - Vault door - open (Big red V)
165 - Computer screen
15F - Bubbling goo
15E - Bubbling goo
15D - Bubbling goo
15C - Storage Tank - Dirty (Looks Good)
134 - Treadmill Machinery - Small
12D - Armour bits
09D - Weird trolly thing
073 - Machinery
06B - Treadmill Machinery - Small

*EDIT 2*

This is the basic Process along with an image of the recomended scale (from left to right 78%, 79%, 80% respectivily)

Process is as follows:
1) Raw Images have modified Palette loaded to "strip" all transparent Colours
2) Striped images are then resized (78%) and background colour changed from green into Black using Pic2Pic Pro
3) The above Image are "mirrored" to make the frames facing NW,W,SW as these are not included in Crusader files, but mirrored by the game engine
4) The images are then loaded with the Fallout 2 Palette.

With the right software this can be done in batches


You will need to adjust this using the method discribed in this thread
Question are the images from both games No Remorse & No Regret? And the heavy power armor is it he on you encounter when using No Remorses cheats in No Regret(you are thrown into a level where you are surrounded by similar guys).

Anyone know how to run both games in WinXP? 8)
Cant be done, Crusader only runs in true DOS, it wont even go in Win 95

The only way to run it in windos is through a DOS emulator

Do a search on 'DOS Box' in google and that one can run Crusader - but the emulator is very heavy in the Processor and you need a fast PC.

If you cant find it just contact me and I wil try to dig up a link

Do you still need the FRMs for this Sniper?
Yeah I did my own checking to and found out that No Remorse is supposed to be 100% comp and No regrets 90% comp with DOS box.