New critter sound problem.(*solved*)


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hi there.
I'm slowly fixing .frm troubles. I stumbled upon something new, though: Fo2 engine crashes when my newest bot tries to perform some animations. I get the following error message (always the same):
strlen ( sfx_file_name) == 8, file..\game\gsound.c, line1368.
The critter can stand idle, walk, shoot weapons, punch and perform fall down/get up animations (I knock it down and heal it via script, i.e. the bot actually acts, it doesn't only plays animations). The engine crashes if the critter pulls out weapons. The mapper also crashes if I shoot and hit it (no problems if I shoot with a -30% to hit) and always crashes when trying to punch it. I erased and remade the proto a couple of times. I put the bot in game just like I put Andy. The point is Andy works fine and this one doesn't...
Any leads?

EDIT, 11, 21,06
My .FRMs had too long names, exceeding the DOS 8 characters limit. This is what was causing the crashes.
My sincerest thanks to Wild_Qwerty for working this out.
See you
Solved a vanilla doughnut...
I made a few critters after this one and had no problems...
Apart for the latest one which has it again. The name is seven characters long (including the two .FRM id letters). I remade the proto.... Nothing.
Does anybody has any idea?
Sorry terrible english

The name of a file with sound effect for an critter has the following format:


Root - a root of filename (6 symbols)
Suffix1 - the first suffix (1 symbol)
Suffix2 - the second suffix (1 symbol)

The format is similar to a format of a name of a FRM-file and inside Fallout also is determined by FID. Except is a name of a file for a code of action ANIM_take_out (38 - Extraction of the weapon). In this case FID determine only the root of filename, but suffixes - on ' Action code' and ' Weapon code' sets from the outside .

After determining filename some additional checks can be made and 'Suffix1' in a filename can be changed. See table

| Animation code        | Weapon code | Suffix1 |
| ANIM_fall_back (20)   | Club        |   'Y'   |
| ANIM_fall_front (21)  +-------------+---------+ 
|                       | 2HndClub    |   'Z'   |
| ANIM_throw_punch (16) | Spear       |   'Z'   |
| ANIM_kick_leg (17)    |             |         |
Anchorite, I thank you for the piece of info but I must admit I'm at a complete loss about how I'm supposed to handle it....
Am I supposed to hack into my own proto, or I'm supposed to set it via script? Any further help would be appreciated.
Thanks again and see you soon.