New Dawn demo in November


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The team behind the Polish post-apocalyptic game New Dawn have informed us of a forthcoming demo:<blockquote>Work on the game goes on great and we are happy to let you know you are going to see the outcome quite soon. It is demo time! At the beginning of November a playable demo will see the light of day. Although the story that the demo will present is independent from the full New Dawn game, it is set in the same surrounding and will have similar elements, for example background story and some characters.

Starting with today's piece of news, in the weeks to come, we will be presenting the content of the demo.</blockquote>Only half a year to wait.

Thanks to Sethergal for the news.
I would like to see ingame screenshots and not only render images, ect... at all.. do ingame screenshots exist? I never saw any...
The gfx looks very good, especially the characters are very nice.

...but please offer a non-flash version of your hp.. -.-


I guess they´ll come when they compiled the first parts of the demo :-)
Yeah, the flash page is really annoying but i really cant wait to see some ingame shots or the demo itself!