New Dawn Doesn't Give Up


Night Watchman
Staff member
New Dawn have staged a new website for their project, which kind of sucks, because I was *really* planning to make a newspost today for their carnivorous plants and vegetarian huts concept art today, and now I can't seem to be able to find it ;)

Oh well, we are left, Dear Valued Reader, with no option other than to see the new website by ourselves. In case you don't remember, New Dawn is a cRPG in production which combines post-apo and a fantasy-like realm in a sort of thundarrthebarbarianesque pulp-fiction ;).
They should rename the game "New Dawg!" then it would sell billions, fo shizzle!

Just kidding, good luck, fellas.

Thundarr was the shitzky.
New Dawn is Looking really good, I am liking what I see.

The site is pretty cool, it needs some more material for me to browse through.

The music for the web page was pretty awesome, it had an emotional affect which I enjoyed.

Thundarr is alright but I prefer old cartoons like ThunderCats,Voltron,Karate Kommandos and Mr T. :freak:
Nice site, but am not optimistic because remember "Another War" which look good in concepts and finally was unplayable.
Did I ever mention I loathe Flash sites with popup galleries?
The music for the web page was pretty awesome, it had an emotional affect which I enjoyed.

Yea the track played on the homepage was really something special.

Not mutch info there atm. Any one who wants to take a wild guess when it will be out? Is late 2007 to mutch to hope for?