New Fall movies


Carbon Dated and Proud
I spotted over at RPGDot that Silver Style has release a couple of new movie clips from The Fall: Last Days of Gaia, here's what RPGDot said:<blockquote>The first is an edited version of the original trailer with a new end sequence and the second shows some animation sequences. You can grab them from German publisher Deep Silver here (9Mb, 49secs) and here (13Mb, 47secs). Note that these are direct links.</blockquote>Righto..
The trailer is a bit scary. The fact that the theme song reminds me on the theme song of a certain PNP game called "FATAL" might be part of the reason (Is that Atrocity I hear there? The music seems strangely familiar). Other than that it DOES look nifty, although the trailer hardly fits with the wacko voices and the weird animation they released.

The animation seems a bit .. too smooth. They should speed it up a bit so it doesn't have that slomo-effect (especially during the fist-fight) and the hug at the end was really really weird (or in AOL-speak: "ghey") although that kind of fits with the weird voice samples.

Interesting title nevertheless. Not neccessarily "interesting" as in "promising" tho.
All my hopes have been with Metalheart anyway.

The Fall has been disturbing me on many levels. The skill system as explained on the website is one thing that raised an eyebrow.

Now this trailer seems to show nothing but cars racing over the desert and gunfights. I noticed no real eyecatcher and no gunfights with vehicles involved!?

I've never seen any trailer for an RPG (save MMO'RPG's) so I don't know what I should have expected. It just didn't seem very attractive.

Then again, maybe I just ain't the "target group" of SS. The posters on the German TheFall forums seem to fall head over heels to praise the voice clips too..
Besides not being TB, I think this game looks great. I can't stand RT combat, but this looks to be the only complex RPG being made at all and the only one not geared towards the casual player. If they had TB combat this game would look a lot better to me, but as it is now it still looks great.

Metalheart looks good, and I will buy it, but I have a feeling it will be pretty light. I hope I'm wrong, since it is the only TB game I can think of being developed.