-Yes there will be dialogs. They will be shown in dialog bubbles just like the ones seen in comicbooks.
-There will also be two types of combat:
a standart Fallout-like tour combat and an RTA (real time actions) where the player will have to push one of four buttons (Q,W,A,S) to make a certain action f.e. dash behind a pile of junk seeing a ganger aiming at him or throw away a granade that suddenly rolled next to his feet. This is my idea to add some more adrenaline to combats where the enemy has the fire advantage. The rule is simple - In the places where the fight is taken into account by the scenario there You will meet RTA (mostly). In other situations such as saloon blade crossing because you just dont like the guy there will be a standard tour Fallout-like combat.
-Yes I will inform of any progress in this very topic
Right now I am working on the scenario (locations npc's dialoges ect.) and looking for the graphix so the engine will have to wait
Here are the locations that I have made so far in a short description:
-The bunker
Forgotten place guarded by armed robots (own design not ripped from fallout) I will not give you the detales because I dont want to destroy the suprise. I can only tell that at the bottom deep under the ground lies level 27 dwelled by the tribe of mutants, the descendants of the bunkers citizens. You will be a witness of their religous ritual:
"These beeings seem to have some sort of a ritual. They are praying to a big statue made from some old rusted mechanical parts. They have broaght some rotten fruit and sharped metal parts to the bottom of it. That statue looks familiar to me hmm... wait a minute now I see! Two mechanical arms, and the seat witch a steering console! That's not a statue! That's some sort of combat robot! Enourmosly big..."
-The Ghost City (Desperation)
Small town quickly deserted after the fall. A home of dust and rats. You can find there many stuff from before the war like f.e. a cd player. I you think that this place is empty without a reason... well your wrong.
"[...]Strange things can happen there. Things that even I am afraid to talk about [...]"
A willige with healthy citizens. Farming and tradnig with all that they have. The interresting thing is that they have a.... I cant tell you You have to see this by your self.
No guns allowed!
-Sand Rose
Watter supply, but not for free ofcourse. (You need a lot of water to travel the desert). Dont even try to spit in that place. The citizens will take that as a personal insult to all of them.
A willige with a secret
Still thinkig about this one. I just dont want to copy fallout.
-Deatch claws nest
Its not placed on the map and you wan't get there by a quest. There is only one way...
An organisation - thats what they are calling them selves. Its just a well armed and orginised tribe. They are living in tents because they constantly change their position.
"Ivan the tribe leader has a plan. He is going to find the forgotten city where we will leave in welfare. I beleave in him. You are strong and skilled come join us the paradise is in you hands!"
Their most eye caching feature are the schaved to skin hair all over the head beside a narrow line from the forhead to the back.
-Bridge City
Another secret
"I never wanted to get out of here - Argon smiles - Its better to be a king in hell than a servant in heavens. Go now I have to get back. Farawell my friend..."
That all for now. I wish I could give more info but I have to leave some space for your curiosity. By the way forgive the english I'm still learning
-----To all who are interested-----
If You like what You have just read and You want to play this game as soon as possible help me please find the graphics. It will really save a lot of my time.