Fallout 2 mod New Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework version

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the mod!
My only request - could you add a 'Forced activation' for the pistol firing mode? Ideally for both NPCs and player. I took Fast Shot with the hope that I could do a pistol-only build but the Aimed Torso requirement makes that impossible. Thank you!
Ok, I'll consider adding the "Forced activation" for the pistol firing mode for both NPCs and the player in a future update
Hey there DeKRuS, any chance the alternative firing mode for the electrical guns is going to have an ability to retarget to targets that already were hit?
For example if i set the bounce off to 9 and there are only 3 targets nearby, could the projectile rioche nine times on them a.k.a( each one gets hit 3 times?

this could be a nice offset for the double-sided edge this weapon is, when player or party npc stands too close to the zap zone, and gets zapped too.

I really admired this mechanic when playing Last Hope, after visiting MRC lvl5 where Pulse Pistol resides, but considering how hard is to get there. the weapon should provide more of AoE kick.
I usually lower the retarget search range and increase the zap "hop" amount, although this isn't sufficient when retargeting doesn't zap a target already hit, multiple times.
On the other side increasing the weapon's damage is risky as it could on shot your only party NPC, even when wearing the best armor available in-game which is Combat Armor Mk.2, or even with my cheat-mod, when Noel wears PA he get's owned quite often as well.
Thank you for your detailed feedback and for sharing your experience with the mod :)
Initially, I did design the alternative firing mode for the electrical guns with the ability to retarget previously hit targets. However, during testing, I felt that this mechanic made the weapons a bit too overpowered, which is why I decided to limit the retargeting to only new targets.
But it does make sense to include it as a separate option that can be enabled!

I'm also interested in hearing your thoughts on the visual appearance of the alternative attack with the electric weapons. Do you think the way the projectile currently flies from target to target feels ok?, or do you have any ideas on how it could be improved?
Well I'm ok with how it looks, doesn't really bother me, the projectile looks a bit like a sea creature that consists 98% of water, though as I said i'm fine with it, if You're really concearned with the look/functionality of the mechanic, i think it could look more like a wave of electricity that is passing through the floor expanding to all targets in an set area of reach, and if any of the targets in aoe dies it foces the "ash" death animation. It might be a welcome sight for some, as this animation has the tendency to bypass the procedure of destroying the loot on corpse ( as the loot gets separated from corpse ), which might be a thing for some mods ( like Last Hope or Wasteland Merc 2, where guns and ammo loot gets swallowed by scripts. Also if the ash death annoys people it could be circumvented in two ways, #1 You could make the "guaranteed ash death animation" optional, or #2 one could use fo2tweaks in conjunction with your mod (it has a way of circumventing loot drop from zapped corpses of it's own).
Hi @DeKRuS,

I encountered a bug in Fallout: Nevada related to Maximum Hitpoints when using the Body Care Kit in combination with your mod (v1.99.0) and with StatsRecalculation=1 enabled.

1. After using the Body Care Kit, everything seems fine.

2. However, after saving the game and loading it again, the character screen shows a weird 209/107 HP status.

3. When I disable StatsRecalculation=0, everything returns to normal (209/234).

Thank you for your feedback and help.


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Hi! Could you please check the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file for the line "en_recalculation=" in the [StatsRecalculation] section and let me know what value it has? If it's not set to en_recalculation=3, please change it to =3 and set StatsRecalculation=1, then check if the bug still occurs.
And could you attach your save file as well?

Also, does your character have the Life Giver perk? If not, could you tell me how you increased your character's maximum HP, aside from using the Body Care Kit?
Hi! Could you please check the "F2MechanicsMiniRework.ini" file for the line "en_recalculation=" in the [StatsRecalculation] section and let me know what value it has? If it's not set to en_recalculation=3, please change it to =3 and set StatsRecalculation=1, then check if the bug still occurs.
And could you attach your save file as well?

Also, does your character have the Life Giver perk? If not, could you tell me how you increased your character's maximum HP, aside from using the Body Care Kit?
Hi @DeKRuS, I have the Lifegiver perk 2x. The problem was solved after changing the setting from en_recalculation=4 to en_recalculation=3. Thank you very much for your help.