New falloutbased game


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
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Looking for modellers with a bit of spare time. Have been looking into a little project idea that a friend of mine came up with last night. A fallout-themed warcraft-like game.. don't really know the word for the genre, maybe "strategic" will do?

the engine is already completed apart from alittle modifications that would have to be done.. not much
My only problem is that, right now I dont have the time to make all the models that will be needed and animate them (studying at the moment). Music and Sound FX is already taken care of.

The idea of the game is all about the new settlers in the postapocalytic world that struggles for the little resources that is left. Start out with a small tribe village and upgrade to the brotherhood of steel... something like that..

Soo, anyone interested? all feedback is good feedback
So its going to be like "Fallout - Rebirth Of Civilization" but using a Warcraft engine?

Cool! Is it possible to use the exsisting artwork, and just resize it to fit the warcraft engine? (Which which engine is it? This might work with warcraft ,1 or 2, but not with 3.)
Perhaps monsharen wants to use Stratagus engine, also known as Freecraft.
And the genre is Real Time Strategy.

I really wish you suceed, because I both love the *craft (Starcraft, to be exact) series and of course Fallout series. I could help, but not with the models (perhaps with inventing units, missions, the plot etc.) and not at the moment (I'm busy with Polish Wasteland and also preparing for my exams).
I was thinking of using the Glest engine. Its open source and very easy to handle.

I have been able to put my models into the engine and made em work. (trees that can be harvested. I had to try something!)
Today I had some spare time so I modelled the chosen one and made him walk. gonna try him in action tomorrow, I hope... IF I have the time to work on this I might be able to put out a small preview pretty soon. Modellers are still welcome to contribute as I still don't have much time or are particulary good at it =)

More info later

Link to the Glest engine

It would be great if you could contribute with ideas around the units and how you are going to be able to upgrade the buildings.. ex.
Tribe tent: Trains tribal: Tribals uses spears and/or bows(?)
Building: storage/training/yada yada etc etc...

One more thing, what type of resources should there be? Scrap metal seems like a obvious choice, but what else?
Wow, were talking 3D :)

Perhaps you could make the game units upgradeable.
First, you divide infantry into classes: tribal, villagers, townsfolk, vault dwellers.
Those units could be found in cities on the map, or you could breed them (this idea appeared in the RTS game Saga: Reign of vikings or something like that). Of course each unit would require an amount of food and special buildings to breed, tribals - tents, vault dwellers - post-war buildings (like in NCR or Vault City) etc.

Each of the units would have different characteristics (from 0 to 100):
1) low-tech weapons (skill)
2) med-tech weapons (skill)
3) hi-tech weapons (skill)
4) speed (atribute)
5) strength (atribute)
6) endurance (atribute)
7) riding (skill)
8) driving (skill)

Basicaly, the more civilised the unit is, the more advanced weapons it can use, but its more fragile.
Every weapon in the game has a minimal skill and strenght requirements: eg. pistol 30 mid-tech weapons, 20 strenght, and a sledgehammer 30 low-tech, 50 strenght. Now, these requirements must be met by the unit to use this weapon.
High skills boosts the werapon accuracy or wehicle/animal speed.
High atributes boost speed, damage, and hit points.

The units would upgrade theirs skills when fighting or when ordered to train in a special training building (shooting range, laboratory, stuff like that).

But how do those unit get weapons?
Well, you can make them in a workshop (scrap metal + wood = spear) or you can find them.

Remember, Fallout is a specific universe. You don't make most of the stuff, you find it.

In Comand and Conquer you had to gather ore. In Dune2, you had to gather spice.
In Fallout RTS you could just gather weapons and ammo :)

But, of course, most of those scavanged guns would be broken.
You would have to build a gunsmith, get those weapons to it, repair them and then give them to your soldiers (units, whatever).
The same with cars and armors.

You could also make a tree of technologies like in the Civilisation series. The player could develop his technologies and at some point, he could start the production of his own more advanced weapons (first pipe rifles and molotov coctails, then shotguns and pistols, then smgs and rifles, and so on).

Breeding riding animals would of course require stables and food.

To sum up, the resources would be:
guns, any kind
ammo, any kind
cars, any kind
batteries (cars and hi-tech weapons)
scrap (low tech weapons and repairing stuff)
wood (low tech weapons and buildings)
building material (buildings)
food (breeding)

Its a bit chaotic but I hope that you'll understand what I am saying.
A skill system that handles each unit could be pretty cool. Don't know how to make the units use guns if they suddenly get the skills for it though. One solution would be to simply upgrade it, "train" it by having the right amount of resources(metal for bullets). "A click of a button"-thing. That way I only have to change the model and create a new script for it. Cars could be cool AND are easy to create. Will look into the possibility to load it with several units :twisted:

Cars need fuel.. remember mad max 2?? (the oil pump they are defending) Could be nice to have that sort of stuff.
When building houses and other big things you need wood/stone etc etc.. that will have to be harvested from trees/stone. one reason for this is that its already implemented which makes it very easy for me to start out with :oops:

Gather weapons and ammo? They should probably be pretty hard to find since theres a lot of scavengers and highwaymen lurking in the wastes, collecting everything they can.. Think we have to have some sort of building that creates/repairs weapons. and the resource depot that the player will be harvesting could simply be a dump (car parts, rusty stuff, ammo.. you know :wink: ).. we will have to imagine that you actually find defect weapons there.

Anyhow I have found out an easy way to animate my chars now so I might (if i get some spare time soon) put up some screens of the progress in a not so distant future
Could someone please draw some buildings? A vault, some houses etc etc. Would be nice with some detail put into them :D Tried to find some here on the forums and on google but with no luck. Anything will do! Others could simply post a link to something interesting here.

Added before naptime:
Made a building today (solar cells wired to some large battery). It can be created by a pretty messed up super mutant and it looks pretty good when he is constructing it. Its primary function is to gather energy...

Added 27/04/2005:
The first char is 90% completed. He uses a vault box when harvesting to collect the various "stuff". The animation process has been painful, but I have started to get a hang of it :)
Did everybody loose their interest in this project? The thread has been dead for a while.. Well, I have been busy and still am but I shall try to release those darn screenshots soon.. just so that you can see what its going to be like. might help
Ok, the status so far:
Had some time today and I must say its really starting to look like something. The textures are really badly drawn but I can remake the later on. A map is on its way, kinda basic. Mostly desert. Made a car that kinda owns everybody else in the game.. might have to fix that.

Atleast its on its way and so far, i'm kind of proud =)
Hi, its me again, and I have a question - can this freeware engine be used to relase a comercial game?
You know, if you could gather a team you could make a real game out of it - and people are more willing to work if they can get money for it.
Heck, the Polish Wasteland Team could even help you out if we did have more time. But our project is very absorbing...

Well, it got me thinking - maybe you could help us and then we would help you? We could use someone to make 3D models and textures :) Of course I would have to ask the rest of my team but it is possible.
I dug into the paperwork alittle and found this:

"The GPL license allows to make modifications of the source code and charge a fee for the physical act of redistributing it, but with many conditions, the most important one is that you have to redistribute all the source code of your app, and that anyone can redistribute it for free.

So there are 3 situations:

a) You want to modify Glest source code, redistibute it charging a fee, and you don't care if you have to include the source (our code and your modifications) and allow free redistribution of your modification.

You can do that right now, using the Glest source code currently available.

b) You want to make a mod of the game without modifying the source code and charge a fee for it.

You can do it right now, you just have to include in separate packages our game and your mod, and tell people to install our game and then apply your mod.

c) You want to modify Glest source code and make a proprietary application based on it.

You can't without speaking with us, of course we could reach an agreement and license you the code for this purpose."

and then this:

"You can create a stand alone game with GPL source but with the box you must include source code under GPL. This permit everyone to share code cross the net BUT game media (texture, models and sound) would remain under your copyright and/or any license you choose. So, after all you would sell media, support and anything not GPL-code related (an installer i.e)."

Well, as they say it might be possible to reach an agreement about the licensing (if you want to keep the source that is, elseway its just to dig in).

I don't have the money to gather a group of programmers or other artist but you could ofcourse just "copy" the idea from me (I don't mind. i am just doing it for fun) just let me know because I want to play it =)

If you need any help with your projects I will help as much as I can. As I have said before Im on a pretty tight schedule but sometimes I tend to sneak away from the homework :roll:
Weee! Good news! Finally I can present the first screenshot of my project, just dont know how to upload it. just found out that im not authorized to upload in the album section. Anyone know of a solution to this?
Upload it to fan art, we'll see it and approve and move to the appropriate section.

Or just email it to me.
Ok, here they come:

The two cars are selected and moved as a team.

A vault entrance, produces initiates.

Ok, just laugh at me but I thought it could be a good idea...

and theres more where these came from.. well, its not like they're of any interest anyway.

and yeah, the reason for the kind of shitty graphics is the engine, It won't handle high polycounts... sorry

added much later:
I really hate this forum! it makes me sit and do nothing for hours just watching it as it updates
My computer has crashed so It might take a while before I can publish this thing. I actually found it quite nice to have so much spare time...