New Frm Editor


First time out of the vault
Hello. It's my first post here so i'll introduce myself a bit. I'm a fallout fan and a PHP coder who wanted to learn VB...

I didnt want to create a new Paint-like newbie App like every newbie tutorial teaches you to so after ten days of code struggling I came up with this neat little app baptized FRM Workshop and as a sidenote I know a bit more about VB
Basically it's a render-weak Frm Editor that lets you :
/Export and import to and from BMP (supports multi orientation / Multi frame Frm's)
/ Create your own brand new Frm from BMP files
/ Adjust the X and Y shifting Data and display your changes in real time.
/ Load and display Custom palettes in *.act and *.pal formats

Voilà. I hope it's gonna be useful to the modding community here. With this tool and an animated mesh creating a whole new Fallout2 model should be a breeze (Jk).

Here's a temp link Frm Workshop Download page (Sorry i cant link the file directly)

PS: Could the admins at NMA or anyone else host Frm Worshop? I have no idea how long my temp host is gonna last.

Great stuff man, I'll post this on NMA as soon as possible.. and of course host the file..
Nice job 8)

If anyone else is having 'missing mscoree.dll' -error the problem can be solved by installing Microsoft Framework 1.1 (from Windows Update). Worked atleast on my Win98.

Hope that helps.
I think it'll be very, very useful Psycho_egg.

EDIT: If I could only download it that is.. :(

EDIT2: Okay, Netscape didn't like me trying to download it, but Internet Explorer got it fine.

EDIT3: Thanks for the windows update tip platon. Got the same error. Of course, the fact that the computer I work on isn't connected to the net makes life a bitch. Fuck I hate online updaters that have no offline install option.

EDIT4: Okay, I'm hoping]this helps[/url]. helps. Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package.
Hey, excellent work man; now I can make new models for all party members in different armors.

Just one question: is there anyway to make single frame (1 orientation) frms?

If not could you bring out an update that allows you to work with any frm. I find all the other frm converters only work with 256 colour bitmaps, FRM Con can use 8-bit indexed but I can't get it to set a transparent colour if I use this format, only on 256 colours resulting in shabby looking graphics.

Nevermind, I got FRM Con working with TIF and PNG format, and also figured out how to get the transparent colour mapped; single frame graphics look much better now.

If anyone else is having 'missing mscoree.dll' -error the problem can be solved by installing Microsoft Framework 1.1 (from Windows Update). Worked atleast on my Win98.
Alright, can anyone put that file mscoree.dll for download here, the download of that Framework is so big, and my conection is Dial-up! Can anyone be a good samaritam and do this kindness?

Oops, sorry the english!

Alright, can anyone put that file mscoree.dll for download here, the download of that Framework is so big, and my conection is Dial-up! Can anyone be a good samaritam and do this kindness?

I tried it and getting this one file just gives you a new error message.. you can download your missing dlls from (e.g.) and test. As far as I see you have to download whole Framework. Please correct me if I am wrong...
